
Screw the haters. Bring back the deluge of mediocre Star Wars games from the 2000s. 

I’m pretty sure Disney was only waiting to make sure people finished watching season 2 before they made the announcement. It would have been kinda weird from a PR perspective if they knew they had a bunch more episodes with her that would drop after they condemned her statements. So instead they just waited until

Just straight recast. There are plenty of white brunettes.

At least finish out the season.  They did a mid-season halt of Bob’s Burgers too.

Remember when he was “America’s Mayor” because he had the good fortune to be the lame-duck mayor of New York when it was hit by a devastating terrorist attack? Remember that? Remember how the entire country suddenly loved him simply because he (somehow) projected “courage” at the right moment? Time Man of the Year

I don’t wish to negate your enjoyment of the film. I’m happy that you found so much to love in it. But to your specific point of “I think folk are trying too hard to not like the movie”; I really enjoyed WW1 and was dying to see the sequel. We had Xmas dinner and I made it clear to my wife and our 2 friends that at

Which part did people find confusing about this thing? The Monkey’s Paw wishes were silly and nonsensical but I didn’t get the impression they were meant to stand under scrutiny.

Wonder Woman 1984 is unique in that it’s a standalone film without the burden of all the other DCEU films weighing it down, and yet it still manages to be a muddied, difficult to understand mess.

The thing about Star Wars is that in the ‘70s and ‘80s, it was totally mainstream. You didn’t have to be a hardcore genre fan to enjoy it. Virtually everyone liked the first movie: adults, kids, teenagers, parents, old people, liberals, conservatives, even most film critics. Nerds and normals alike watched it over and

It’s just a power fantasy- the idea that somehow by expressing their dislike of something that millions of other people consumed and enjoyed enough to keep making a giant corporation money, they could make that giant corporation change course because they are the TRUE FANS who UNDERSTAND and are THE MOST IMPORTANT.

I have been on and around escalators my entire life, but man are those Metro ones looooong, and by association, steep...

Unbelievably depressing to see the reviews for this show just . . . quit. What even is this site anymore.

I actually got to stand next to a new Ford Ranger the other day. I was shocked at how huge it was. Apparently Ford is more interested in selling the trucks it wants to sell than listening to people and building a truck they want to buy.

I still think this is a weird and not great idea.

I was under the impression that Jawas had fished the armor out, maybe of sarlac poo? Do sarlac pass hairballs? Whatever the case, they got the armor and were driving it all over Tatooine for a few years before trading it to Cobb.

Glad you mentioned the Stormtrooper dialogue. There was a nod to ANH dialogue in this episode as well if I am not mistaken. 

Man. I didn’t know this about her and it’s the whitest, most Republican thing anyone can say. Like “born on 3rd base but thinks she hit a triple” shit. I’m surprised no one has called her out on this bullshit but I guess she was really good at playing up how “relatable” she was. Oy. So she supports anti-LGBTQ and

I don’t necessarily disagree with much of what you said, but this:

But again, all of these debates ultimately reveal that the real problem was that Disney didn’t act as proper caretakers of the franchise and didn’t put together an MCU-caliber war-room to architect and design the arc of the trilogy as a whole before anyone set foot onto the set of The Force Awakens. There are likely

Elliott turning an interrogation into a makeover was an absolute highlight. He’s such an idiotic character, but Early does an amazing job making him just charming enough that you can understand how he skates through life. His mix of ease and disdain with his parents also kept his character feeling grounded, despite