
Hello! Does anyone know if there are reviews for the second half of season 3 posted somewhere (and maybe just tagged incorrectly)? This is the last one that I can find on the AVClub website and I’m bummed because I’ve enjoyed watching one or two eps and then reading these! It seems like they just abruptly stopped and

Yeah! I noticed it too, at one point a base stormtrooper says “All right men, load your weapons!” which is what the stormtroopers in Mos Eisley say after Garindan tips them off about Docking Bay 94!

Yeah, WatchOS 7 is infuriating on the Series 3. It’s my first and only smart watch and I’ve really loved it since I got it, and it’s completely boned now. In retrospect I have no idea why I went to such lengths to update the OS in the first place. I had to restore the watch to factory settings just to get the update

With respect, I’m not sure automakers are moving their lineups to be almost nothing but SUVs, Crossovers, and Trucks because “People are just more practical with their money these days,” in fact, I would argue the opposite. If people were practical they would probably just buy like, normal, smaller cars and not assume

This is confusing because I thought to use the Roku speakers you had to have one of the TCL Roku TV’s, which I do. I bought them and was bummed out because I don’t use the built-in Roku features on the TV, or connect it to the internet (I have an AppleTV for that, I just use it as a large display) because as soon as


Do you have a link for the image comparison by chance? 

Yes, HATED the kiss. Didn’t need to happen. 

I had no real love for Snap but I agree with your other two points. All those ships looked badass. Hopefully there are at least some deleted scenes of more of them in action. I mean, we didn’t even really get to see the few resistance fighter ships do much! I still have never seen a B-Wing do anything cool, haha. But

So, I went ahead and read a supposed definitely real plot synopsis on reddit that bummed me out a bit if it’s true (but also had a lot of good shit). But re: Rey turning evil, wouldn’t that be an insane thing to spoil in a teaser trailer, since it would arguably be one of, if not the, biggest plot points in this

Oh man, I remember getting a recording of it, somehow, and watching it over and over again until I had the scoring memorized. And then, I went through all of the Original Trilogy Soundtracks, and cut together all of the queues in the order of the Episode I trailer on a cassette tape, so that I could listen to the

Yeah, it’s getting really difficult to see why there are three lines of laptops. It seems like you can spec these up to about the same level as a non-touchbar 13" MacBook Pro from just before the summer refresh, same ports and all. 

Yeah man, this really drives me nuts. I’m a two-time UMD alum, and I worked there for years, and this is just enraging and embarrassing. Kill a kid, and the State throws $300k at you? In what goddamn universe does that make sense. And the head coach just gets “administrative leave,” which is literally a paid vacation

This is a cool idea. I guess I didn’t know that he was for-sure dead, post-RotJ, in the new canon (even though that makes sense, and it was admittedly kind of dumb that he got out in the old EU), but, my thought had been that it would be cool to see a Logan-esque movie of old Boba Fett, so that he could be played by

I legitimately don’t remember seeing this creature die in this way in this movie. Good lort.  

Ha, I wish. Not even the matinees are that cheap around here. What a racket!

Yesss, so dumb.

I nearly walked out. I mean, if movies weren’t $14 it probably would have happened.

Ha, I was fully expecting to not really think this was that funny, but then it was. You got me, Twitter dude.