Daniel Swendson

I think she always assumed that people would automatically follow Jon and is okay not being in the spot light. But her feelings were hard to read never the less.

Totally, lest we forgot one of those fucks slit Cat's throat and the other stabbed an innocent woman repeatedly in the stomach like Jack the Ripper. Hopefully Arya carved them up alive.

Oh no, she was definitely trying to protect her son, though she probably should have considered having Mountainstein stay around as suicide watch, but the fact is she still managed to defeat her enemies and become Queen of Westeros.

Basically, because she has been in a position of relative powerlessness for most of series, especially after last season, and yet somehow she rose through all that and managed to become technically the most powerful person in Westeros. Yes, she has done absolutely horrible things but she did themas the under dog and

I just realized that Cersei has become the evil queen you find in a lot of fantasy stories.

I said this already, but seeing Cersei on the Iron Throne made me want to do a fist pump. I'm in the strange position of basically rooting for an evil fantasy queen.

Oh, I'm sure. I just think the idea is hilarious.

I love that Cersei's idea of the ultimate torture is to make people look at Franken-Mountain's horrible monster face.

I know Cersei on the Iron Throne was supposed to be one of those "Big Bad asserting their power" moments but I couldn't help but fist pump.

So, ladies and gentlemen, Daenarys X Yara or Daenarys X Tyrion? Both?

Holy shit, I'm dying.


I don't know, my gut tells me he's genuine. Watch his monologue again and just look into his eyes.

His life just revolves around Gingers.

Good point, she could have easily been killed off screen or otherwise not be present and nothing would have been changed besides losing a superfluous scene.

I really hope somebody calls the High Sparrow out on his shit. There are people starving in King's Landing, woman are raped by soldiers, and villages are razed to the ground without a second thought. But what does he do when he gains power? Why persecute the gays of course! Fuck him, I hope FrankenMountain tears him

I just didn't like it because it was predictable, perfunctory, and a waste of a strong character. There's a multitude of more interesting things that could have been done with her. Why not have her be the first character to get the upper hand against Ramsey? After all she did grow up with and around people who

I've clearly been listening to "Boars, Gore, and Swords" too much because there was a second I thought Tormund was looking at Sansa and thinking, "Holy shit, it's another ginger! There's more of my kind!"

While I'm more than a bit salty about what happened to Osha (seriously, we don't need characters constantly sacrificed to the altar of Ramsey "I want to be the Joker" Bolton. It's not like we're going to forget he's evil), having Daenarys burn down the patriarchy and emerge from the flames like a T-800 made up for it.

I just know in my heart that if I looked I would find a metric ton of Ezra/Maul slash fics.