Daniel Swendson

I've just started reading it, but I'm really interested in seeing how this guy thinks that creative structuring makes up for bad characterization, boring direction, terrible acting, and atrocious dialogue.

I'm disappointed that Laurel and Nyssa didn't smack lips at any point in this episode.

I have a sudden, vivid image of the Wookipedia editors feverishly attempting to fit this into Star Wars continuity.

I said fetishize children's SHOWS, genius.

Didn't Kahn just make the thing to take the piss out on nerds who fetishize children's shows? I bet he doesn't even really care.

I also would like Nyssa to take Thea back to Nanda Parbat for "training."

So…… Nyssa X Laurel or Nyssa X Thea?

So, who else is shipping Peggy and Dottie?

To be fair there's probably absolutely nothing left of the people they once were. For all intents and purpose they're just reprocessed meat.

I wonder if they got Todd Mcfarlane to consult.

Was I the only one that felt like I was watching a zombie apocalypse unfolding in those last fifteen minutes? Sure as hell beats out anything the Walking Dead has ever done.

You joke, but now I'm wondering if that isn't the direction the show is going.

Holy shit that King in Yellow name drop. I don't know how many Lovecraft fans are on here but that made a big, big chill go down my spine. Now I'm really curious to see where this is all heading.