Daniel Swendson

It just occurred to me that there is a way the last sand snake, whatever the fuck her name is, might not die afterall. Bron could save her because A. He wants to bone her, B. He could probably get access to her, and C. He's familiar with the poison and would know what antidote to get. They also made it a point to

Is it me, or are the people of King's Landing just the absolute worst?

Isn't the current companion a lesbian, or did she get written out already? Because if she's still around then we CAN have sexual tension between the Doctor and the female companion.

Isn't the current companion a lesbian, or did she get written out already? Because if she's still around then we CAN have sexual tension between the Doctor and the female companion.

I was actually a bit bummed when one of the Lyon sisters was murdered. They were pretty adorable and I would have loved for them to have been recurring bit characters. Revealing that she was killed by a blow torch instead of by Charlotte (which at least would have been instantaneous) was such a fridge horror moment

That would actually be an amazing idea.

I really want it to be Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen cuz why the fuck not?

This show was a guilty pleasure for me up until season 5. I mean, yeah, it was silly as all hell but I enjoyed how it would fuck around with fairy tale tropes. So, I might just have to check out a few episodes if it gets renewed. If they're smart they will make Regina the main character, she was always much more

Turns out this this show is the perfect antidote for the Handmaid's Tale.

You got to feel bad for his parents too. Like, I know their supposed to be "evil" or whatever but they searched the entire galaxy for that brat only for him to be like, "no fuck you people who raised me and loved me for my entire life. Go die."


Please, please, please just kill Iris.

"K2SO's plane was shot down off the coast of Japan. It spun in *sniff* therewerenosurvivors."

Something I always wondered, what if a citizen from another country gets caught up in the purge and is hurt/killed? Surely that would cause a pretty sticky diplomatic situation.

Theory time: Caputo went off script because he wanted the prisoners to rise up. I mean, he had to have known Taystee was listening right? He's not dumb, despite evidence to the contrary, so he had to have known what kind of reaction his statement would incite. Maybe he thought a prison riot would be the only way for

!!!!!!! FUCK THESE GUARDS !!!!!!!! At this point, I just want FrankenMountain to pop in from GoT and smoosh their heads.

To be fair, I think Lancel got stabbed in the spine. That he made it that far was pretty impressive considering.

I think she had power for all of three seconds in King's Landing before the combination of Joffrey, Tyrion, Tywin, and later the High Homophobe regulated her to the sidelines. Sorry, her story is an under dog story. It's just that "under dog" isn't the same as "good." Hitler and Genghis Khan were underdogs, for

No, shut up, it's Yara or no one else.

You might say he chose… poorly by going into that basement.