
It's always amusing how many people still complain when something is free. If you don't want to play it on Origin, go ahead and pay $20 for it on Steam. No one is stopping you.

If it's as half baked as Apple Maps, it won't be killing anything.

Clearly designed with aesthetics, and not actual books, in mind.

It is cheap, but not in the way they mean.


Until (and unless) we know where the test came from, how do we even know it came from a public school, Jesus? THINK before you post, man. You just make yourself look like an idiot.

I'm always amused that bullying didn't become an issue before the LGBT community became involved. Like, not even when straight kids killed themselves online.

Misspelling "Mercedes" does the logo no favors, either.

Or, you could just get a Roku for about $80.

I'm not surprised that Gizmodo posted a crappy piece of advertising like this, though usually they limit these to their ad space. I have to suppose that a) Giz realized most people know how to block their ads by now and b) GUNNARs paid Giz a boatload of money to do it.

Geeks love to throw saw blades. Or has everyone forgotten Half Life 2 all ready?

I need to try that.


Jesus, why would you look at a Victoria's Secret catalog and think about Photoshop?

Yes. Glad someone else noticed.

In all the time I've been reading Gizmodo, the site has whored for Apple. This is nothing new.

And not very well photoshopped at that. The lighting is all wrong and the family looks two dimensional.

It changed mine (I'm using Timeline), but I really don't care. If I want someone to have my email address, I'll give it to them.

Fake sentiment started with birthday cards, not facebook.