
Mine (RCN/TIVO) says the same. Wikipedia also has a rerun this week.

She told Caitlin she had beat up a dozen criminals we just didn’t see it all on screen which is good because that would have gotten tedious.

Interesting choice to end with a conflicted Jen still figuring out how to deal with what she went through and the fact that only Jeff noticed that something was wrong.

Yeah, Lala popping out of the cement at the end left me scratching my head. It’s fine I suppose it’s just a really weird beat to end on.

That’s definitely Lana with the Kents not Barb.

None of the Assistant DAs in SVU where shipped with main characters either. There might be a one off I’m missing but the major ones who were main characters definitely weren’t. In fact the only ADA that I can think of being shipped with one of the cops is a guy (Carisi with Rollins).

It looks like YoutubeTV has them.

There are already pictures of Azie Tesfai on set in  a cold gold highlighted version of the costume. They are doing it.

What threw me a little was that two and the Stabler children (Maureen and Elizabeth) were played by different actors then they were back in the day on SVU. I assume Eli is too since he was a toddler when we last saw him but haven’t gone out of my way to look it up. It was driving me crazy (I was stupidly trying to

I think he was trying to keep it a secret to suprise Liv that evening when she got that award they were referring to.

That’s pretty much exactly how he was played here.

John Walker as an insufferable jackass who keeps popping up to annoy Sam and Bucky has been amazing.

I’d imagine part of that has to do with what the actors themselves are comfortable with.

They might be divorced but they do have a kid together. I can’t imagine that either parent would be OK with her moving to Vancouver and putting one of them in a situation where they don’t see the kid in person for months at a time. That being said I’d image she’d be OK with flying up for a guest appearance on occasion.

Didn’t his wife die in the crash?

Wanda is one, if not the, most powerful people on the planet. How do you propose they hold her? Also I’m not sure what you think Monica should be arrested for.

Iris only gets to interact with herself.

For those keeping track the last time we saw the Fortress on Supergirl was literally the last episode before Crisis (Alex and Brainy go to rescue Kara after Lena had turned the Fortress protections around on her). It will be interesting to see if we see it when Supergirl comes back for season 6.

Did any one get a Superman III vibe from the scene where Superman cools off the nuclear reactor use ice her created at a lake? I found to be very reminiscent of the rescue in that movie that happens when Clark and Jimmy are on their way to Smallville. Minus all the Jimmy Olsen hijinks of course.

In addition to Edge and General Lane I think Clark’s ship is different then the one we saw in the opening of Supergirl way back when.