
The article on ESPN said that their was “immediate” evidence that he was impaired. A couple of quotes from the article.

No, the jilted lover in question only uses his fists. When Nick brings it up in a meeting when discussing his idea for the need for police he posits the theoretical scenario of said lover finding a gun and going a step further (Sue: My God Nicky, what’s that? The thought for the day.”). It’s just a hypothetical though.

Um, no there not. A lot of people thought that Daisy & Co out in space were working for SWORD but was just speculation. The Zephyr they are on still had SHIELD logos.

I just want to say, in lieu of nothing, and I’m not going to single any one out, that I hate when fans state their theories as if they’re facts. I know in most cases they are probably not doing it intentionally. They are just fan wanking and there posts come off that way...but I just hate it. Though I do find it

Assumption based on what? He’s says “everyone back to work” after leaving the “beach” but I don’t see any SWORD logos anywhere (presuming there isn’t a tiny one somewhere I missed). They could be doing a lot of different things.

Sorry, I don’t mean to be a buzzkill and, given his comics history, Fury definitely could

He was under the brainwashing control of the ASA and not acting of his own free will when he killed his mom.

I’m trying to remember who he murdered. I don’t remember him killing anyone while working for Tobias. In fact he went out of his way not to kill the reverend when Tobias ordered him to. I know he came close to killing BL but as I recall that wasn’t his intent. He did kill people when he was controlled by the ASA but

This week it’s Aidy and Cecily who are simply missing. I’m sure they’re both doing something cool and interesting (and presumably safe), and the weekly game of “what’s different about this picture?” regarding who’s in the building is at least diverting.

I’m an admitted Xander hater. In that early scene while everyone is acting concerned he is practically yelling. I can live with that though as it is an emotionally charged scene. His worse moment though is later in the episode. After finding Giles on the floor Faith heads out to go after Angel. Xander, to his credit,

his head getting cleared of its vengefulness when he sees unconscious Giles in S3's Revelations.

Willow’s attempt to ensoul Angel and Buffy holding back had nothing to do with causing the disaster in the library. That was all Angelus drawing Buffy out and sending his goons in to get Giles. That happens even if there isn’t an ensoulment attempt and Buffy is going full tilt.

The fact that it contributed to preventing an apocalypse doesn’t make it any less assholish. It’s still a dick move done for selfish reasons.

Cecily is in Vancouver filming a TV show so not really available as you can’t fly her back and forth with all the COVID restrictions. They could have had film something remotely like they did with Aidy (also away filming a TV show) but it was not to be.

It’s a timing thing. Performers are moved from featuring to repertory on their third year. Ego and Heidi have made it that far, Bowen and Chloe are only on year two.

I’ve seen some sites/articles mention this and the real crazy scenario is what if Pence, who has been tested but we don’t know the results yet, and Trump both have it and get sick enough to trigger the 25th amendment. The battles between the Republicans and Democrats over how sick they would have to be before Pelosi,

Looking at the footage Biden was a least 10 feet away from Trump the while time as the podiums were quite far apart. Hopefully he wasn’t close enough for that to be a problem.

I think all of those fights were in isolation. This fight was in the middle of a police station with a bunch of humans frozen around them who could have gotten hurt or killed. Heck, Michael even threw one of Maze’s blades at one.

The alternative was letting Liv turn herself in to be executed and leaving the underground without a Renegade (to be fair I don’t know if this second part factored into Major’s decision). If there was ever a time for “controlling male bullshit” this was it.

I don’t think he slept with her. I think the whole point was to get her wrapped up in the the whole couple thing so she would forget about going back to Seattle and turning herself in until it was too late.

It didn’t work.

I’m reading the comments and people are badly misreading Jenny’s path. Her entire story stems from her abuse at the hands of her father. Throughout the course of the movie she is in a downward spiral that ends when she’s up on a ledge of a balcony contemplating jumping later in the movie. The fact that she got