
It was Vaughn and Max Rager’s slimy malfeasance that created the virus, and then a radical group inside government contractor Fillmore Graves that caused the spread of the virus throughout the city of Seattle.

Yet his death is ultimately presented as a comedic hero moment for Mike—a curious ending for the most three-dimensional villain of the season, not to mention a weird way to treat murder

Yolanda killed Brainwave mid battle after he set her off by using Henry Jr’s face. He was also clearly about to kill even if he made no overt action. She is not a cold blooded killer in any sense.

I don’t know if I would consider Yolanda’s killing of Brainwave a murder. It was mid battle, he had set her off by using Henry, Jr’s face and he was clearly about to go for the kill her even if he hadn’t mad an overt action.

With the deaths of Gordon and Jiaying it’s looking like the series will end with a reset of the timeline which brings up the question....is Sousa going to go back to being dead. Resetting the timeline would reset his death, so does this Sousa get erased from existence like a character from Back to the Future or,

When they talk about how violent a city they are usually talking about more than just police violence. Murders per capita, gang violence and other stuff is factored in.

Fitz is already dead, isn’t he? Jemma bursting into tears when her memory was restored seemed a little too intense to be anything else.

On the Hines episode Green sarcastically tells the kid, who is being fresh with him, that he gets toaster every time he busts a black guy (I may not have that exactly right). Hines then turns it around on him in court.

but a Black prosecutor would never again work in the show’s D.A. office.

They have had a cop be the one guilty of sexualt assault/rape on occasion though I can’t remember, specifically, when the last time that happened was.

Whitehall took just about everything out of Daisy’s mother and she still retained her powers. Daisy will be fine.

The problem with that theory is that both Wilfred and Nathaniel Malick died later than they did in the original timeline.

We’ve now ended 2 of the 3 time period eras they’ve been in with somebody having to run back to the ship before it jumps and people getting left behind...it’s already gotten old.

Judging by the bonkers promo at the end and the fact that next week’s episode is named “The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D” it looks like we are getting a Mack/Deke 80's buddy episode next week. My guess is that the episode will end with them catching up to the Zephyr.

I posting here to correct myself though, at this point, I don’t think many people, if any, would see it. I don’t follow NASCAR and haven’t even driven a car in a least 15 years let alone been in a garage. I saw information on the internet and thought, incorrectly, that all pull ropes look like the above. I was wrong.

You can argue that he already showed that he was capable of being just friends with a woman...Carla.

Note: I’m not sure if the pull rope pictured here is the same as one found in Wallace’s garage (if fact I don’t think it is) but it would be look about the same. I found it on a conspiracy reddit while Googling for a picture of a pull rope. I do not share their views of the situation.

Well, Jemma’s interaction with May proved definitively that she is not an LMD so the EMP wouldn’t have affected her. Basically when May was touching Simmons she felt her emotions but she felt nothing from LMD Coulson when she touched in later in the episode.

Andy didn’t smuggle the rock hammer in to use for escaping in Shawshank Redemption. He smuggled it in to use for exactly what he told Red he was going to use it for. Carving rocks. He only decided to use it use to escape when he accidentally gouged a large divot in his wall as he was using the hammer to carve his name.

To quote another poster.