
Talk about missing the point. The band previously known as Lady Antebellum HAD ALREADY BEEN USING LADY A. It just wasn’t their official name. All they did was drop Antebellum and renamed themselves using the nickname they’ve had all along. I doubt they even looked around to see if anyone was also using it (which was

It feels especially tone-deaf in the current moment to be playing this powerful military white guy’s racism for laughs, but honestly, this would’ve been wobbly even without current events being what they are.

May, yes, Jemma, no. We never saw Jemma or Daisy after the EMP went off. You can argue that just the act of setting off the EMP cleared Jemma since, if she was an LMD, she would know what it would to her. The hitch in that is the presence of Coulson. If Jemma knew that the EMP would knock out LMDs she would have kept C

The movies have been rotating on DCU as well. Whether the Burton movies are there depends on the month.

While the Cosmic Staff is often an instigator of Courtney’s recklessness, I’m glad it at least draws the line at shutting off the power at a hospital filled with patients on life support.

And Courtney and Yolanda also watch as Principal Bowin performs a strange violin performance at Brainwave’s bedside

If she was willing you could have Rose come back for an episode or two to tie up the loose ends before moving on which would solve a lot of those problems.

What the S.T.R.I.P.E acronym stand for in the comics is Special Tactics Robotic Integrated Power Enhancer.

Yeah, but there is a difference. Jordan getting producer credit and final say was part of the cost of bringing him in, but he wasn’t the driving force behind the project. In the case of the Brady doc he appears to be spearheading the thing.

Jordan didn’t produce the miniseries though. He was just the central figure.

Good deal. Glad they didn’t change the aspect ratio for broadcast.

DC Universe showing was in a 2.20:1 ratio and 53 minutes long. I wonder if there is going to be stuff cut from it on The CW both in length to fit 1 hour with commercials and the aspect ratio to make it 16:9.

On Batwoman...Luke: I just destroyed the last bit of Krypton (except for Kate’s shard).

On Batwoman...Luke: I just destroyed the last bit of Krypton (except for Kate’s shard).

I’m sure Kara will show up sooner rather than later. My guess is that next year’s crossover was supposed to be Batwoman/Supergirl until a combination of Melissa Benoist’s pregnancy and Covid tanked it.

There were definitely kids of various writers and crew members in there. In fact, I think only two cast members actually have kids (Kenan and Mikey Day).

For those keeping track...

I don’t think production on animated shows ever stopped since they can do all the work remotely. Though it did pause as they got everything setup.

Charmed!!! That’s where I saw it! I knew I had seen that dress on an earlier episode of something but couldn’t figure out exactly what.

Well they were supposed to start shooting next season well ahead of the other DC shows to work around it. I think the plan was to start really early then break for a while when MB had the baby. Now...who knows.