Womanist Warrior Princess

I hear ya. Social media has it’s place, I guess, but I’m not interested in any of this malarkey.

I’m assuming it will be the “Special Director’s Cut” with extras and commentary tracks.

Ah, yes. An ERROR made them edit the video so we can’t see the extent of the cop abusing this woman. I’m sure they will now release a better-edited version and call that one the “complete” version.

Uhm, half the prior cast of Game of Thrones waves hello (from their horrible unmarked graves).

Blood magic.

Prenatal vitamins?

Me too!!! I have to say, I thought I was missing something by not being on Instagram. wtf

I kept scrolling and it wouldn’t stop. Thought maybe I was dead and in purgatory.

I almost broke my eyes doing this.

u just broke my internet kara

i’m mostly confused as to why people in the audience are so shocked about this

Jon Stewart works for Comedy Central. Not “Get Things Done” Central.

Ricky Gervais had the best response to this non story:

This is horrible. If you were born before 1982, almost all of our parents would have been arrested.

Before I scrolled down and saw her picture, I knew she was a black mother. This never happens to white moms.

Nope...neeeeever been a celebration of a white person’s cornrows.

and focusing on black women doesn’t negate what other women go through either.

She’s basically saying that white women are celebrated for doing things that black women do. Black women twerking? Disgusting and ghetto. White women twerking? Cute and fun. Black women wearing cornrows? Ghetto. White women wearing cornrows? Chic.

I think corn rows on us reads as ratchet and thuggish and on white women it reads as “edgy” and High fashion. Beauty standards are different and that bleeds into sexuality and how each is treated.