Womanist Warrior Princess

It seems that when it was absorbed into mainstream society it translated to this when really it’s about people throwing unfounded shade your way because they are jealous. I hate on a regular basis because I’m a shade queen so I should know lolol

The edges and “kitchen” hurt the worst at first. Eventually they loosen up. But the first couple of days can be brutal, especially if you have an auntie who takes no prisoners with catching every single hair.

I always do a silent evil cackle when I see white people paying $25 per braid to the black ladies at the beach here in South Carolina for braids with a few beads on it. Every single overpriced braid seems like homage to our ancestors lololol

If I weren’t so disgusted with this dude, I would employ my higher education to craft an elegant argument. But I can’t. So I won’t.

Don’t forget possibly 5-10% banging that one football player whose girlfriend convinced him it was a good idea to be the token in this video.

I was thinking...when is Heff gonna come out? lolol My first thought was Playboy Mansion.

My husband and I had our daughter when we were living in NYC and him being a stay-at-home dad was the best decision we ever made. With the potential for income that I could bring in with my education vs. what he could with a GED, it just made sense because he would ultimately be working just to pay for daycare. IDK

I just got on about 3 weeks ago but I refuse to follow B-List celebs. Thanks but no hahaa

It looks like something you would wear during the stage coach era... which I kinda associate with Oklahoma... I’m really reaching here.

She DOES NOT look impressed.

Dance Break

I have Drip Drop on my run mix. I always have to stop for a dance break when it comes on.

I think his shirt is micro-aggressing me.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with saying Adults Only or explicitly asking that children remain at home. But the point is to be clear. I hate being that person that has to ask for clarity cause I don’t want to be “that person” or “here she comes asking about her kid AGAIN”.

I’m not gonna even mention what happened to my great grandpa or any of the men before him WHO WERE BORN INTO SLAVERY... These people kill me with this.

Lol I was just about to say, I didn’t read or watch this. I was BSC!

Let me know when ya’ll get here so I can have my squad ready.