
Except that they didn't have all those dashes and line breaks and no spoiler tag covering the content.
Here's a screenshot of the notification email (I hid the spoiler cuz I'm not a jerk) http://i.imgur.com/ChwOvm2.jpg

1) You're seriously going to tell me that info from interviews with the producers should be common knowledge?
2) Even still, knowing he will come back is different from knowing how/why he comes back
3) Further, this is A TIME TRAVEL show within a multiverse… There are so many ways to bring the Snart character back

And the lack of any spacing/formatting in the original post so the Spoiler details was right below the alert & in my comment reply notification…My fault too? (AmaltheaElanor has edited their original comment's formatting like crazy)

Get rid of the words "(just in case)" or add more context to that & maybe I'll believe you honestly didn't mean to spoil
Otherwise I'll go on knowing I did indeed need to be rude

When you wrote "(just in case)" after the Spoiler alert I assumed that meant in case people aren't fully caught up or haven't seen the trailer for next week. Not "just in case you care about spoilers for the entire freaking season"…

That was a very large spoiler for me if you are being serious… Why would you assume people would already know that?!?! Not cool, not cool at all

Well, there is a multiverse and Eobard Thawne is in this season so maybe Flash will show up and when he fixes the whole Flashpoint thing maybe Snart will inexplicably be alive!

Something he apparently never did as a time bounty hunter for some reason 😁😁😁

Which also brings into question why Rip felt the need to train Jax… Mick can likely fly, maintain, & repair a ship like the Waverider if he was a solo time bounty hunter

I could see Pharrell rocking this. May actually be smaller than his Grammy hat

Yeah. Also why does the meta detection bracelet have an audio message recording function? What else does it do? Is there a flashlight? A selfie camera? An mp3 player to go along with the audio message recorder?

Ya. I agree. Horrible writing because even with an eternity to master the power that's something he still needs someone else to master it on…also he was touching his sister when they were kids in the flashbacks

Why/how was Tommy able to hold his sister's hand without stealing her power? It seems to do the opposite - boost her powers. It makes no sense!

Anyone else notice that for once Jimmy remembered who the heck Killian was in his speech about supporting everyone?

All this time I thought Raj & Emily were done since she hasn't been seen/mentioned since the episode where Raj breaks stuff in her bedroom.
I also half expected them to show a scene with her breaking up with him because he is moving too fast when he told her he loved her but happy they didn't go that way cuz it

Very good points. I just was amazed that everyone seemed to think that only HHM could have the resources to do the case. Even Kim never suggests going to any other firms

My main question with this episode is how are there no other firms in Albuquerque which Jimmy can turn to to handle the case with him? HHM may be the biggest, but in a metro area of 900,000 people there's gotta be more than one (two if you include Schweikart's firm) large law firm. Or are we to believe that all other

Which means in the original "Tidal Wave Timeline" Barry is gone and the wind from his running before he disappeared may or may not have disrupted the tidal wave (or maybe it did both in 2 further branching timelines)
Further, assuming the tidal wave didn't kill everyone in Central City in the TWT, the Harrison Wells of

No … Past Barry disappears remember? If Past Barry were still around he could time travel and leave Barry Prime to stay and continue the day…since PB disappeared if BP doesn't time travel he'll never go back in time in the first place.

So we're just ignoring the massive paradox of no apocalyptic event means Barry doesn't run super fast feeling super emotional which means he doesn't go back in time in the first place?