
@kylefowle the Bible Juice reference was a callback to the earlier joke Penny made when she said she was going to rip off the Bible and claim the super power of turning water into wine

Really didn't even realize this was the last episode. There was no finality to it, just more of a business as usual. Came here to read the review & see if it was actually the finale after checking the Wikiepdia Episode Guide.
What a weak ending to a show that was quite a good watch at times. I am wholly underwhelmed by

Really enjoyed this double episode.
"Rafi's exploding house prank?" Whaaa? Andre was responsible for the house being on fire with his firework misfiring and lighting the house up. Yes, it got into Rafi's prank kerosene eventually but the house was already very much on fire & probably would have been a write off anyway.

If The Simpsons were close enough to pass Panucci's Pizza does that make their Springfield in NJ? Or maybe in Queens, NY? (Springfield Township, Union County, NJ and Springfield Gardens, Queens, NY respectively)

Loved watching the crooked cop's gun dangle from his shoulder as the balloon pulled him off the ground content to float away yelling without attempting to shoot the balloon.

I don't fully agree since I don't see the point of the entire Rothstein-Margaret subplot. If we cut it out & then don't bring her back to AC aside from some great acting what has the overall story/plot lost? Not much IMHO

This is true but 1) GRRM's health doesn't have a defined & planned ending date like Boardwalk Empire does. 2) GRRM has already reportedly told people at HBO what the ending for GoT is intended to be so it is possible someone else would be able to finish the story if GRRM's health fails before he himself can do it

Ya…except GRRM has the time to do it, this show doesn't really. I hope I'm wrong though.

There seems to be a lot of positivity in these comments but I feel as if the show has slowed down way too much this season & all this while building to the series finale.
I think the 6 year jump was too much…coupled with the flashbacks it seems that there's just too much ground to cover successfully while pushing the

You're doing it right when your reply comment has more upvotes than the original comment. Well played. (Also, I was thinking the same reply.)

Not a bad call!

Except that all of those things happened AFTER he took the van from Saul and AFTER he buried the money. When he went to bury the money he was in complete control and none of these were a factor. His having the brand new, in the box GPS to use once and break is evidence that he was still very, very cognizant of what he

Pretty good theory but I still feel as if Walt is too cautious a person - especially when it comes to all that money - to not check and double check this kind of thing. I think this is especially true since he seems to merely tolerate most people around him believing them to all be idiots with very few exceptions and

Loved the episode but the one sticking point for me was that I just don't believe that Walt wouldn't have known whether or not the rental truck had GPS. We're talking about a guy who bought a brand new GPS and used it once to see where he was burying the money before smashing the GPS to pieces so no one would ever be

So much agreement with #1 but I take it a huge step further: