
At least the old white assholes won't be framed as enviable rascals enjoying the excesses that come with being at the top of their field. At least I sure hope not.
Hopefully it will be slanted more from the perspective of the women.

I feel like it's weird for actors to be playing well known personalities who are current with barely any time having passed from when the event is set. It's in danger of feeling like an SNL sketch.

Oh she'd nail that role. Very in her wheelhouse with the thing revolving around the sexual harassment suit.

And most media.

Buzzfeed is derivative, lazy, and plagiarize a lot, but it's the worst I can say about them based on what I know. Aside from that, they don't seem to go out of their way to peddle negativity and sexism, pretty much the opposite in fact.
I roll my eyes at them, but I don't hate them with the passion of a thousand fiery

I have vague memories of that site being better, but I can't be sure. Everything they've posted recently has totally eroded whatever good memories I might used to of had of it.

Isn't that a good portion of their brand? Fixating on stupid things with enthusiasm.

And I feel like it's worse they mix them. Gullible people more likely to believe the usual utter garbage they post without question because someone posted a genuinely excellent and well written article about racism one time months ago.

Well what else are they going to do with their time? Check the accuracy of the articles they post about real human beings? Don't be silly!

Bad job, internet! Very BAD job! *rolls up newspaper*

Yep, I am. Dark Places. Slap my forehead and call me a dope. Sharp Objects is that HBO series with Amy Adams, right?

Such a solid cast and so much potential for a killer adaptation. You could tell that a lot of the people involved really wanted it to be great, but it felt like the constraints of a too cheap budget really held it back. Inexperienced director, choppy editing, zero marketing. Imo they should have made it a short

So that was her. I thought so, but it was so weirdly quick I thought it couldn't have been.
But this is a thriller with a woman in the lead. Historically studios have not been particularly forthcoming with the budgets for those. I believe Sharp Objects suffered from the same problem.

Allison Janney and Emily Blunt on screen together, yes please! And it's going to be interesting to see Haley Bennett in such an intense thriller role. I'm definitely in for this one.

You'll be sorry you didn't believe me when it comes.


To balance out the Captain Marvel debate I'm going to have to insist on a younger actor for any role he might be considered for. I mean he *is* almost 46 now and starting to show his age in his face, bit of the ol' cragginess a'creepin. What if they want to sign him on for 10 years? And etc.

"I came on set every morning and said, "Please tell me. How many people am I going to kill today?" I'm bringing the stunt team chocolates, coffee, and I'm whispering in their ears: "I have this really great idea for a great kill." "

He embraces his type as glorious Viking King and sticks with it

As far as I'm concerned, trying to decipher Damon Lindelof's 'logic' is like trying to cram a square peg in a round hole. Sure you can kind of make it fit if you spend enough time trying to smash it in there, but it's going to take a lot of work and manoeuvring to do it and even when you're done it's still an awkward