
Pretty damn far left liberal here and yes, this is a huge problem. 100% perfection forever or you are the devil. No apologies, no matter how sincere, will suffice, the damage is done. That includes media misreporting. This includes things you said 20+ years ago. We now reserve the right to dump out all your receipts

Marketing is usually close to production budget for movies like this.

I don't think a lot of people know about the complexities of the production and why it exists the way it does. They just see another big Hollywood movie set in East Asian with yet another white savoir lead, Last Samurai style. Which, to be fair, is usually the case.

It's about showbiz and the struggles of being a creative, particularly an actor. It fits right in with their preferred subject matter.

I… Oh wow that's actually true. Maybe Jared Leto's next role should be an incredibly generous philanthropist, so he can really show us his dedication to the craft.

Oh god that's kinda true actually. *insert Bojack Horseman joke here*

Definitely agree. When you're part of any group that's struggling with recognition and respect and to actually be hired in the first place, you're probably going to be operating on a totally different frame of mind, consciously aware that you can't screw this up or piss off too many people, or they'll take it back.

The real Mads Mikkelsen would say "That's wonderful, A.V. Club. Let us have a toast, to your excellent television mention". And then he would open one of his better vintages for the table with a flourish and request to watch it again, because he would notice the subtleties the second time around. Then he would laugh,

Watching actresses try and swallow their disdain with the practised but barely concealed frustration of a thousand "I can't believe this shit" moments when on panels or in junkets is always depressingly funny to watch. It's always that pinched mouth, side eye for a second before pulling it back to glare at the floor


Are you counting them as continuing to talk about it since the one article they mentioned it in 2 days ago?

I don't know, but she should stay away from accents altogether I think

As long as they don't want her to do an American accent this is excellent news.

I don't understand why anyone thinks this looks pretty or visually interesting. To my eyes it looks so cluttered and cheap. And it's been a while since I saw Ghost in the Shell, but think I remember it having a little more depth than just empty faced, fake-nude lady Robocop.

All day erry day

But without a lead who can act. And without the excuse of it having been hacked to death and stitched back together as some kind of barely feature-length frankenstein mess by the studio months before release. It just looks like the standard uninspired and dumbed down Hollywood blah.

If they wanted someone who could play a character with personality they wouldn't have cast Scarlett Johansson.

I was starting to get disappointed no one had replied to me with this quote yet. You saved it.

Crazy/volatile/weird guy on set = visionary
Crazy/volatile/weird woman on set = difficult to work with bitch
Actually strike that. Woman doesn't get on with everyone on set every single day = difficult to work with bitch