Man, that thing fell apart faster than Hong Kong’s future after the UK gave it back to China.
Man, that thing fell apart faster than Hong Kong’s future after the UK gave it back to China.
Fold on what? If people protest Blizzard over Hong Kong, it hurts Blizzard. If Blizzard folds to protesters and China bans their games, it hurts Blizzard. This is a lose/lose situation for them, they can either partially satiate perpetually offended western consumers, or satiate their Chinese consumers. They can’t do…
Woke culture would be ruining comedy, if comedians let woke culture actually stop them. Dave Chappelle talks about it in his most recent Netflix special... all the things he’s been told he shouldn’t joke about... but of course, the fact he’s talking about how he shouldn’t is now the joke itself.
From what I’ve seen in interviews, polls, etc., the overwhelming majority of indigenous Americans don’t really care much about the name. It is so disassociated from the original meaning at this point, most people only understand it as a reference to the football team, so putting a lotof effort into getting it changed…
I swear to God, Trump’s behaving like someone that WANTS to be impeached. I can’t imagine he actually LIKES this job; it doesn’t seem like he ever REALLY wanted it. Running for President was just a gimmick to him, something he could do to elevate his brand. He didn’t expect to win it, or to move to Washington, or to…
She’s not. She’s actually the voice of his cousin Annika van Houten.
Remember folks, this is the same Trump that supposedly did NOT ask the Russians for dirt on Hillary.
“Can you eat meat and care about climate change?”
Can you buy something superfluous and still care about paying off your debt?
Of all the issues to have with the final season of the show, Arya taking an unrealistic running jump to finish of the Night King is what you pluck out?
There was one very telling study by Harvard that implies the pay gap is almost entirely down to different work practices.
The study focused on the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority, because it is a unionized job where wages and promotions are determined by tenure, and men and women of equal seniority are offered the…
Of course it is still bad when it comes from ignorance. But someone ignorantly stumbling into it is a lot less appalling than someone maliciously engaging in it. Again, likening it to killing someone, “Whoops, I’ve accidentally killed you” isn’t nearly as terrible as “I killed you because I wanted you dead.”
You don’t have a point. We already established this.
Maybe everyone is just thinking about this the wrong way. I mean, I’m sure if you ask the Republicans, they’d tell you this... um... helps the workers? Something about giving them more choices to... something. It’s about flexibility, or something that probably sounds good.
I don’t think you have a point. You’re the one arguing that logic that would imply manslaughter and premeditated murder are essentially the same thing.
It is a very attractive looking system in terms of design, but I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again... it just seems like a really bad value.
They chop out TV mode. They chop out tablet mode. Because you don’t have detachable joy-cons, you lose the ability for more than one player to play out of the box, and it…
I’m not working hard at all, your point just isn’t very good. You went from saying all racism is equally racist to saying something racist by accident or racist by intent is still racist. “Still racist” and “equally racist” aren’t the same thing; intent is definitely important, and it is very silly for you to act like…
Oh no! It’s all about privilege! Fine, instead of “crack”, we’ll call it “meth” from now on. Your move...
The Area 51 meme was all fun and games, but just a reminder to everyone out there, the US government has posted signs letting you know they’ve straight up given themselves permission to kill you if they want.
Gaetz: “So, Mr. Sharpton, just to clarify, you consider yourself to be a black man, yes?
Sharpton: “Yes, I do.”
Gaetz: “And you, a black man, have in the past attempted to help other black people progress in society, correct?”
Sharpton: “I have, yes.”
Gaetz: “And so, Mr. Sharpton, have you not, by your own admission,…
Come on now, you can be more creative than that. If Elon named it, do you honestly think he’d go with “the muskrat”? I’d at least wager he’d call it the Falcon Heavy rocket.