
“At one time”? They still offer hanging in New Hampshire. They still hang people in other countries; maybe some sick fucks in America admire that shit? I don’t know.

So how about if I post an image of that fella in Colorado that killed his pregnant wife and suffocated his two daughters, then crammed them into oil

Optics. If you don’t intend to be racist by posting the image of a noose, then you should at least understand a noose is piss-poor fucking optics. If you are unaware of the fact that a noose is shit optics, then you deserve to get dragged for being a moron.

A 14 in someone’s username alone doesn’t necessarily indicate they’re racist. An 88 alone in someone’s username does not necessarily indicate they’re racist. The number 1488 in someone’s username is absolutely an indicator that they’re racist.

I’m not saying it doesn’t have those connotations.  I’m saying that the failure to use an electric chair doesn’t cause the intent to automatically default to racism.

The “evil people” could be anyone, that isn’t me lying to myself. You’re the one making assumptions on who it is, based on a historical context that can be accurate, but isn’t necessarily applicable.

Maybe this guy was being covertly racist. Maybe it was just a stupid thing to post. Maybe he could have used a

Trump has been President for almost a full term now, and you somehow seem incapable of comprehending that the guy brags and boasts and uses extreme hyperbolic language to describe basically everything.

I don’t even like the withered sweet potato, but this article is just silly... you seem to gone WAAAAAY out of the way

Ugh... look, I’ve got no problem with giving some racist butt nugget the boot... but can we stop jumping to “racism!” as the primary factor in every thought, statement, or sentiment that passes from the human mind?

Yes, racially-motivated extrajudicial lynchings happened in America. No, not every hanging in American

Obviously, a big part of the negative rub here is that the designers stand to gain off of this.

However, for a moment, let’s consider this as “art”. Wouldn’t the takeaway from this article be that artists never have a mandate to create or exhibit any work based on a tragedy, as any such work would benefit the artist?

The word moist does nothing for me one way or the other.  Personally, I think I’m most repulsed by the word “pudding”, which sounds like a dessert consisting of puss and mud.

So you’re saying it is better to attract animals to garbage dumps?

So you’re saying it is better to attract animals to garbage dumps?

Not all vegans at the same though, genius. Someone might be vegan in diet only, whilst another vegan might not wear or use anything related to animals either. Hell, I met a vegan that wouldn’t use camera film. So no, there is no “clear cogency and cohesion in vegan belief.”

Never mind reading comprehension, you clearly

I never understood why so many people are so put off by the word “moist”.  There are much more unpleasant words.  “Pudding”, for example... because who doesn’t love their food described by a word that appears to be half pus, half mud?

I’m just going to leave this alone at this point.  The conversation has grown increasingly lengthy in response from both sides, but at least it was a mostly pleasant conversation.

So if the concern is that food scraps will attract animals into areas they usually don’t go, why WOULD we STOP throwing this stuff around the woods? The alternative is to send all your food scraps to the garbage dump, where the animals will then be attracted to a toxic dump full of plastic bits, sharp scrap metal, and

Not the functional difference, the LEGAL difference.  It is quite silly for the judge to be like “Vegetarians are a protected class... but vegans may be.”

I don’t think the problem with Bernie is that he looks angry.  I think the problem with Bernie is that, to paraphrase SNL, he looks like the college professor that doesn’t even own a briefcase, and just carries all his notes and work in disheveled arm-fulls.

The Republicans love the working class people. Or rather, they love talking about how many jobs they can provide for them. Granted, they don’t want the working class to really have any benefits. Or retirement. Or social security. Or healthcare. Or a living wage. Or the ability to unionize...

Okay, so I guess what I’m

And I am telling you that you cant do one without the other.

When you say it replaces all currently welfare programs, does that include both Medicare and SS?  Because it doesn’t really seem like seniors presently getting Medicare and SS would come out ahead if they get $1,000 a month in place of both.  I could be wrong, but a senior getting $1,000 a month to take care of their