
As downright horrible as this transmission sounds, as many articles exist against it, etc., I’m honestly surprised my Fiesta hasn’t given me any trouble. I bought it at 36,000 miles, and I’m about to hi 85,000.  It has been very VERY slightly squirrelly on occasion, like if it is just about to change gears and I

After you spent the first few posts in this thread feigning outrage and being intentionally flippant, I’m surprised you can’t tell when someone is doing the same back.

Try some drug addicts?  Bro, people are not objects to be used.  You’re messed up.  Are you tweaking?

Adding razor blades and hooks was necessary.  It is literally the only way Taco Bell could figure to wreck your stomach even more than the food already does.

I mean, I get what he was trying to say... but damn if it wasn’t the worst possible, least elegant way of expressing it.

Sadder than an unemployed tweaker, muh lad.

Well then... that’s Mr. Fart Cobbler to you.

Why would a fart cobbler be a tutor?  That doesn’t even make sense.

Okay, I actually quite enjoyed that. Admittedly, I’ve never heard such a thing.

Just for clarification though, is a “fart cobbler” like a dessert, like a cherry or peach cobbler?  Or are we talking about a cobbler in the sense of someone that fixes shoes... but like... fart shoes?

Why does everything have to be viewed as a reductive stereotype? Men are generally more aggressive and generally less capable of task switching. That doesn’t make them bad fathers, it is just evolution; aggression and focus came in handy when having to hunt for food. All things considered, the commercial made a joke,

Also a good story.

Good story.

Sure. I’ll take the last word. I’ll be whatever sort of villain you want, because it is pretty obvious at this point you didn’t actually want to know why Wendy’s doesn’t. hiring addicts.  You just wanted to whine and moan, like so many people today.

Sure.  Go with that.  Poof!  I just fixed insurance companies for you!  Nah, I’m kidding, the addicts still aren’t getting hired.

No, you’re just a twit is all. Even if you were on point with everything, what did you expect? I was going to throw my hands up and change insurance practices, of which I’m not responsible, and change Wendy’s hiring policies, of which I’m not responsible? lol

I was simply answering your question as to WHY Wendy’s is

I know what the word insinuate means. And I’m not insinuating anything. *Some* addicts do steal to feed their habit, that isn’t up for debate. Insurance companies respond negatively to theft, that also isn’t up for debate. Companies looking to hire people respond negatively to getting hit by their insurance, that also

By all means, copy and paste where I said all recovering addicts are thieves. I didn’t. I said they MIGHT raid the register, which is something anyone might do, not just a recovering addict. From the perspective of an insurance company, however, a recovering addict poses risks that others don’t.

Addiction is a disease.

All I did was point how how companies mitigate their insurance liability when it comes to their hiring policies.  I don’t dictate how insurance works, and I don’t dictate how companies navigate that relationship, but you’re going to say I’m an asshole for pointing out what happens?  Calm down, kid.

Companies have to carry insurance. What do you think it does to a company’s insurance to hire someone that trying to recover from addiction? Someone that might raid the register to feed their habit, or come in under the influence? Most companies don’t want to deal with the insurance liability.

I love Mulaney. It is a rather bizarre point though. We’re all adults, we should be able to use actual words in the context of a discussion about those words. This isn’t Harry Potter, we’re not talking about He Who Must Not Be Named.