
For some reason, that really surprises me. I thought of him almost as straight edge.

Can I get some cream for that sick burn?

Well, that's my point. I don't want to have to mess around with hard drives and changing the OS to have a functional computer. I'm not a tech guy and, stereotypical as it is, i've found that, for me, Macs 'just work'.

This. I bought my first MacBookPro in 2010 and I'm using it to type this very comment now. Every PC I've ever had died within half that time and were riddled with viruses and spyware. Meanwhile I've never needed virus protection on my Macs.

What are you doing to your power cord? I've had a MacBookPro since 2010 and the original power cord still works just fine.

Well, they picked a photo of what he looked like when he was arrested.

I did not know that was the case in the US.

Excuse my ignorance, but do you not just have breathalysers?

Yep. There's a reason we have an independent justice system
and don't allow victims' families to prosecute a case.

Both versions of 60% are pretty great.


I like Reeko but can understand people just not liking the ska feel.

I love all of Punk in Drublic and can't imagine a version without the Brews and Punk Guy in particular.

I agree that they've always been good at serious songs, so I was a bit confused at the reviewer saying they didn't start that until 2003. Look closer at the earlier albums man.

You really can't tell Norton's Irish? He's from Cork, so maybe it's a slightly different accent to maybe what you expect (and he's obviously been on TV forever so his accent isn't impenetrable) but it's still very obviously Irish to me.

I really like his Star Trek score; one of the few big tentpole properties that I think does have memorable themes.

Guitar shredder Paul Gilbert did a great straight-faced cover of this song and talked about how great the chords were in this song. He had a little bit of stage banter about the Spice Girls rocking up to band practice with their Ibanez seven-strings and throwing down their 7#m add9 chords and whatnot. Worth looking up.

You'd think that would be the sort of thing the AVClub would cover.

So I'm the only one who thinks their past few albums are miles better than their early ones? Cool.

My question exactly.