
Is there a reason Ann Coulter was invited to this roast in the first place? Is Rob Lowe friends with her in real life or something?

This site is so white nobody got your joke. :(

Unsung hero of good movies.

Or the girl in bed with Rob Lowe at the start of Wayne's World who inadvertently kicks off the plot by changing the channel to the titular program!

And A Few Good Men!

But Blücher doesn't mean horse…or glue. It's not an aptronym.

I don't think they were ever shit, except for maybe some of the very early tracks on the Quantity #1 album. They are the rare band that managed to be great at two to three distinct kinds of rock music.

Around 300 comments and still no mention of Propagandhi? I guess I thought they were bigger in both Canada and the US than they are. Not that they were ever going to bother the top of the charts but they were on Fat Wreck Chords for a time, so you'd think it would be in the AVClub audience's wheelhouse.

As an Australian, I can attest that they were big enough here that I didn't realise they weren't American. So, moderately big?

I had this argument with a co-worker once but are Crowded House NZ or Aussie? He insisted they were Australian, since they were based in Australia and the majority of members were Australian. But I insisted they were an NZ band because Neil Finn was the core of the band.

Huh. I guess I just assumed this was a one-off series.

Hey Stephen King, how's it going?

It's just you.

It's depressing this only has one upvote. Damn youngsters.

Do you remember the oh-so-90s video, where it used a scene of Ryan Philippe walking into Sarah Michelle Gellar's room as she's watching TV and she tells him to shut up as Every You, Every Me comes on? Outstanding.

Did he somehow escape prison again?

Well, definitely someone should, though preferably not someone paid by Vince McMahon should.

Yeah, this is what I generally tell people. If you can get through season 5, the next two seasons are rewarding. It changes focus enough that it's not trying to be the early seasons anymore, which ultimately is a good thing.

He didn't even get to the scene where the donkey actually shows up??

Scotty Doesn't Know is an amazing cameo.