
Not quite. Someone can buy them on your behalf, often a fan club, so no need to get on your high horse about these guys not being deserving.

I am sorta waiting for the other shoe to drop.

If you go chronologically, you’d be fine but I would recommend starting with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the first collection of short stories. (Holmes’ technical first appearance is in A Study in Scarlet but there’s a huge chunk of the novel he’s not in and it doesn’t take the later standard ‘Watson’s

I mean, he almost did that on purpose so people would be forced to listen to his instrumental albums. He flat-out said he doesn't think singing is in itself particularly interesting but that people like to hear the human voice even though he would rather just play instrumental music. So creating songs with funny and

That's why Texas Hold 'Em is perfect!

And it's straight from the book.

Yeah, this seems like someone noticed that they've changed the name of the program and ran with it. Is Paint 3D not essentially Paint with more functions?

Apatow was so chickenshit in defending why they never even discuss why she would keep the child.

So it went from psychopath to sociopath back to psychopath? I've never quite understood how the terminology shifted on this one.

Yeah, this might be giving a very shallow film too much credit but it shows they're both willing to be open to change for each other.

Were you not on the internet between 2012-2014?

Oh but that International Trailer has really good editing, so maybe someone talented did.

You know the director usually doesn't cut the trailer, right?

Go home, AV Club. You're drunk.

If you see the four-hour Whole Bloody Affair cut, it's shocking how it's basically IS two halves of the same film. All that's cut out is the teaser twist ("Does she know her child's still alive?") and the opening of Vol 2 in the car (which I always thought seemed out of place in the theatrical cut).

It's like these noobs only watched Vol 1!

I mean, it's Lennon singing but point taken.

Oh, true. I still consider it part of the Surf's Up album but point taken.

I think you mean Run For Your Life. Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd does have a similar toxic masculinity theme but at least there it's intentional.

Surf's Up has Surf's Up, probably the greatest song ever written.