

I'm just glad we have a critic who takes the bold stance that drum fills are passé.

Well, Martha My Dear is amazing so…


The recordings from that tour are SO great. I know it's infamously the band that stopped him touring (well, that an cancer) but I can't hear any antagonism on, say, Broadway the Hard Way.

I'm surprised no other Aussies have replied to this but this is a very Australian complaint, which probably needs some context. Brunch is a very popular social thing here and smashed avocado on toast is a fairly popular item, which also happens to be overpriced ($19 is about right). This first came up in October last

I was specifically talking about the theory that a secret service agent accidentally shot JFK. In that exact scenario, nobody claims to have witnessed that.

So people reported hearing and smelling things. Was everyone back then literally closing their eyes when the President came past?

Still, it seems pretty unlikely that out of hundreds of people nobody SAW anything.

I've heard this one too but how did the crowds of people on both sides of the road not see this? Not one?

Well, that's fair.

Well, they used to be called Mookie Blaylock so…

Aside from their being brothers, what about Sparks gives you incest vibes?

It's funny because wasn't former Pearl Jam drummer Dave Abbruzzese specifically left out of the induction and yet Ament thinks Chad Channing should be left in?

I see what you did there.

Well, reality has a liberal bias.

I thought so too but the text references Zach Gailifinakis playing him, so it might be him.

Agree. Not sure where this canard that Diabolus was them trying to sound numetal came from.

Yeah, there's no way he knew who Limp Bizkit were in 1998. Diabolus in Musica is all on them. I don't think it's that bad, really.