
The iPhans are thick as flies as usual. If this were a new iPhone everybody would be dancing around and celebrate the magic of the new edge. Instead it is Samsung, which of course copies everything from Apple anyway so at best Samsung deserves derision and at worst a lawsuit.

guh. after a month or two i thought i’d give another article of yours a try. big mistake.

John Carter failed because Disney failed it. I've said this before, but if Disney had taken their filthy name off the movie, released it under a different distribution company (Buena Vista was the Disney company that released their non-cartoon/non-kiddie movies) and called it "Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars"

Nah I loved Killzone 2's weighty controls, I don't see why every game should play EXACTLY alike because some people just simply cant deal with change. Its the same with H'n'S games, anyone remember how awesome the combat felt in DMC1? Where every weapon blow was heavy and felt truly crushing with Dante's demonic