
You mean with all the great rail-shooters on 10" instead of 85" 4K 7.1DTS real controller-gaming.. yeah right..

Android is a Multi-tasking OS, that means it can utilized multiple cores between different processes/apps.. and writing apps that uses multiple core is not hard, would say it is a common practice to use worker threads today.

@thenail: have had a HTC Desire Android since summer, and recently changed work and got an iPhone4.. and I was open minded to test the iPhone again (had the 1st Gen).

@MJDeviant: Check out Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, like made for all emulators out there...

@Sloopydrew: good objective review, thanks

Please re-invent the adventure gaming, with full HD, Move/Wii controls and keep the jokes & story on a Old School style (MI1-2, Grim, MM, Full T... etc) and the handpainted-look (*Not* the new Telltail look)

@Eternal: One of the greates adventure games, damn LucasArt for loosing all their good resources... leaving a StarWars-milking-company

Money Island 2 & 1, in that order...

@skt.smth: When Bluray has the same adoption DVD has today you will think the same way of BluRay, when you see a unsharp DVD 2D movie on your ultra sharp full HD 3D TV... and you say that 3D is less of a leap then HD.. HD is en evolutionary step, just as DVD vs Bluray, just more Pixels on the screen... while 3D gives

Sounds great, at last all the hopes and dreams Nintendo woke with Wii can be fulfilled... Looking forward to Star Wars with double Lightsabers

@khronos: Agree, Hate all the new Lucas re-makes.. back to the classics I say

Like it, looks sci-fi retro

@PossibleCabbage: Simple answere, Yes... It's worth it... it's much cheaper/cleaner to have ONE console for your party-games / family games and your hardcore Hi-Def games... for $399 bundled, ink. Eye camera. that's $100 for the Wii functionality, $99 cheaper then a low-res party machine...

@Solidusian Fury: Not a fan of Adventure games I hear... Think how could anyone enjoy games like Monkey Island with those unrealistic animations and primitive graphics.. how have you survived until now?


@(Zombie) NitroAML: by reading his previous comments he seems not too fond of Sony's Console... But indeed likes Microsofts equivalent

@Gaucho85: Could it be that Gabe is a close friend of Mr Gates after working 13years at Microsoft (Where he got his first millions) with Windows™ ... Called loyality

It's simple, the reason why xbox360 DO NOT have installs is because not every xbox sold has a harddrive. That is a loss that MS did when introduced Arcade version.