
Well my girlfriend does give me heartburn from time to time, and so do tomatoes.. Seems legit.

If you feel open world anxiety in White Orchard, you're really in for it when you unlock Novigrad/Velen, and Ard Skellig.


Dude I was done with this 2 hours ago, I suggest you be as well. It is a waste of both of our times.

I agree. I'm done as well. I am sorry if or getting petty, that was a bit uncalled for.

AHAH WTF is this about sock puppet? Are you saying I am a frequent masturbater? If so yes guilty!!

Again all this talk of sock puppet is confusing the hell out of me.. Who is that and why are they my sock puppet? You literally admitted there isn't enough known about the studio or the script to accuse them or blame them for anything.. You did! Don't deny it. That was my original point.

WHAT! Damn it Nick Cage!

Who cares what is likely?.. You don't have any evidence to support your claims, like I said it is just assumption.

No they wouldn't? My point is to not judge the studio based on lack of evidence, and differing perspectives.. Lack of evidence is quite apparent in this you even admitted that yourself. Did you not?

Sock puppet? WTF are you talking about.. Now you have just confused me. Yes any debate captain would say I won based on the fact that I can prove my points. All other points made are based on assumption or flat out denial.

How would that stop typed words from coming out? Moron.

Yeah usually reaction when someone can't win.

I think he was responding to your sarcasm.

Nope didn't say that at all. Yet another person putting words in my mouth.

Umn yep exactly. Perspective! When you don't have one parties in a debate it is not only illogical but wrong to agree with another persons.

Yeah he and I are using it as example of what is fair and what isn't.

In the av club comments section, the people are represented by to separate, but equally important groups…..

Dude gtfo.. Haven't you and I gotten in enough fights on here? Also, do you ever have an opinion of your own, or do you just automatically agree with the comments of the mass AV club populi?

Dude don't even get me started on Twilight Sparkle.. They are a sheep to the greatest degree.