
Avunculate and cousin marriage isn't considered incest in Westeros.. Notice how Tywin was disgusted by his children banging but he himself was married to his first cousin?.. Just like our own medieval history up to the 20th century (FDR was married to his cousin)

Well somehow Jon is alive. He seems to be able to bleed even though he has a gaping wound in his heart.. The fire wights make no sense in the series.

I'm sorry but simply cheating on your wife doesn't mean you are a hypocritical feminist. If a woman cheats on a man does she hate men?..People don't own people even if there is a ring on it. Sorry but that's the truth.. He could've been more honest with her, but that is THEIR PERSONAL LIFE, and what he does with

IS it mean to hope he gets gang raped by a gang of black dudes in prison? I mean I know I shouldn't support violence, but as a Jew… I want this fucker to pay. He had my mom taking down Star of David's all over her house in fear for her life. So yeah let this guy pay violently.

X-Men Origins Wolverine is probably the best licensed game base doff a movie that sucked.. The game is WAAYYYY better than the movie.

I remember that week.. We had all been doing Whippets, and by that I mean the entire country.. And that is how JNCO's were born..

SUUUUREEEE… Exactly how? Obama set up the outdated Electoral college? The main reason why the rednecks of this country decided to go for Trump was they had the mindset that black people were taking over America, and they voted in a bigot to make it GREAT AGAIN, don't fool yourself, bigotry is the fault of the

Can we just abolish that 2 term limit they put on after FDR?.. We want one more term Obama.. Come back and fix this assholes mess. Ahh wishful thinking

the reason everyone switched from cable to streaming, the rising bill.. Now streaming i Have to have hbogo, amazon prime, netflix, hulu plus, and to top it off this crap?

How do rank Pink Floyd songs? Are they all the same rank effing amazeballs?

Not him specifically but the Femenist defending his opinions and the massive ongoing war between trans and TERF's on twitter, even though most feminist think TERF's are awful too.

Intersex specifically true hermaphrodites are born with both.. Yeah I know it is a medical condition but it proves that our psychology isn't specifically male or female even if our biology is.

It is depressing how many TERF's exist on Twitter.. They are almost as bad as MRA's not quite but almost..

"what you want for dinner" —- seems legit

"Lemme just add a little wine and some for muh self"

"So I got me an office, gold records on the wall. Just leave a message, maybe I'll call" Joe Walsh lyrics about the presidency Illuminati confirmed..

The first night me and my now wife did it, it was like 2004 and the Postal Service album Give Up came out, we listened to it, and Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over The Sea on repeat all night.. best night ever

My original print of Justin Wilson's Homegrown Louisiana Cookin' signed by the man himself.

God I have ALWAYS hated Ryan Adams.. I'm gonna go post how his brother Bryan Adams is a way better singer on his Twitter now, and see what kind of response I get..

A GOP conspiracy theorist that doesn't base their thought processes on facts? Alert the presses!