
raised in the 80's and 90's, and we all effing loved Dr. Katz Professional Therapist. When Home movies came out I tried to talk to my friends about Dr. Katz but none of them had seen it. It was depressing.

Watch the interview Tom Felton did with him for his "Superfans" documentary, it was the most awkward interview I have ever witnessed, I love it so much.

That Fan Duel Draft Kings idea I had for this administration is seeming more like a good idea.

Damn I should have put 500 on the Mooch.

Lets start a Fan Duel or Draft Kings league and start pooling money on who will be hired or fired in the Trump administration. I say the Mooch is out on his "own accord" and Huckabee Sanders is first round-pick.

I might not agree with all of McCain's opinions, but you know that mothafucka got class, something I can't say about most of the GOP.

Eh Who hasn't freaked the fuck out about shit and assholes at work once in their life? He did keep singing however. I mean when Nirvana did this same thing on SNL it was cool, Maybe Billy Joel started that trend.

How do republicans think this administration has its shit together when literally everyone is fired or replaced? I mean it has only been half a year…

Logan deserves the title, but WW was a damn good movie.

lies… GOP paid some lady to lie and say her son wrote it.

And here I am with my Pono. JK Why the hell would I want a Pono? Google play music baby.

I effing loved this movie dude, just like I effing love d the fifth element when I watched it in the theater as a kid. I feel like it will become a cult classic just like it.

Also, even if it were real, why would millions of educated adults say "hey this kid is pro-Trump, I must've been wrong"?. Like the innocence of a child somehow makes their political arguments more substantial, even though we all know as adults, that children are (and they should be) woefully ignorant to politics.

Of course he isn't real. You know how I know? Literally thousands of letters get written to the POTUS every day by school kids in their classrooms. Or just in general. They are first screened through an arduous process, then responded to by the people who handle that (not trump).. Yet they were able to pick out this

Eh I'll stick to water.

IT WAS NIGHT AGAIN. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts. And then the murders began.

Daredevil/White Chicks

Why does everything have to be a cinematic universe? It works for comics based on stories that shared the same universe. Just make a good John Wick 3.. we will be fine..

Yeah like attraction only comes from the other person having a wiener, or a vagina respectively. Not from knowing the person intimately and thinking they are good looking. Nope gay people only operate on what genitalia their object of attraction has apparently. It's like how do all these dumb assholes not know how

Also, that argument just doesn't make sense. Who the eff CHOOSES their sexuality? I mean I am not gay, I am not attracted to males, I'm just not. I can't force myself to be, why do they think every gay person made this choice when it is almost impossible to make? Like a transgender person woke up one day and was