
If you want a $45k 911 it's going to be at least a decade old.

They ruined it.

Yeah the 6 cylinder caymans are definitely going to be classics.

More like the Audi E-Tron GT will be a cooled down Porsche since the bulk of the old 918 team is working on the Taycan.

A 2 door shooting brake with rear facing back seats that fold flat, so basically a low slung sports car you can fit kiddos and a dog into.

You sir, have an excellent handle.

This is what coasting for 37 years looks like.

Was pumped for the new supra but this is just better.

That maw... Consume, Devour, Repeat!

That’s exactly what I thought! Literally the first time a Harley has sounded interesting to me.

I thought we had finally moved past objectifying women when $kaycog vanished.

It's close, but I used to have to drive a Prius for work.

Anyone else think the DBS spoils the DB11's lines a bit? I'm usually all for adding aggression but I feel like the DBS threw away some of those lovely Aston curves.

“Last week several people wrote in to tell us…”

This looks like the COTD to me.

The Mustang gets more sophisticated with every refresh these days. The Camero becomes more juvenile each round.

I wasn’t a fan of it from the initial leaks but now that w can see those excelent proportions and lines I'm seriously on board with this! I could see myself in one in 2-3 years

Or maybe for the people whose time is more valuable than that of an internet troll with a profile pic from a 2012 meme...

Can it charge a dude-bro's vape pen?
