
Kaycog I get why you do what you do, but just look at the comments that follow each if these posts. We can do better by women.

The devil is in the details and the shark nose was the best part if the concept. This looks close but bloated, as all BMWs look these days.

I bet if you told your childhood self that part of your job would be complaining that a car sounds like a spaceship he wouldn’t believe you.

This should be COTD.

While the volt has the range, it looks like a little $18k econobox.

Well aren’t you just a class act?

No that’s ugly and old school. A better solution is the directional turn signals like the ones on Mustangs and Audi A4s.

Can the MX5 be had with a white interior? That would be 💦💦💦💦

No he meant 130,000 cars.

To be honest the headlights threw me off at first, but they’re growing on me. The grill looks awesome! Ditching the “bottom lip” and the grill lines simplifies the lines of the car in a way that is both dramatic and sophisticated.

The Camero looks like someone took a bite out if it’s face. I actually prefer the new Mustang over the old. It’s more cohesive and sleek. It’s slowly moving from muscle car to sports car and I love that!

Now we know what happens when a Camero rapes an Audi. I hope the Camero gets the book thrown at it.

Ughh the gum chewing.

How many husky puppies can it haul at once?

I see what you did there...