
It's not the product that worries investors, it's the complex supply chains and highly matrixed, highly political management structures.

I was actually recently in the beginning stages of interviewing at Facebook and decided to walk away because of their storied record of bullshit like this. It likely could have been one of biggest boosts to my career, but I’m not about to put money over my people. Fuck Facebook and Fuck the Zuck.

What blows me away is the shortness of his potential sentence, especially when you compare it to the mandatory minimums in the failed war on drugs.

I’ve had loads of cooling issues with my Xbox One. It is getting on in years though.

She wasn’t even driving you inattentive twit.

Oh my God!!!!!

So the answer is amplifying the reach of astroturf campaigns? Hmmmm…

Exactly this. I’m 150% cool with Porsches existing as long as the average family can afford a new Mustang. Right now the average family can’t even afford proper healthcare.

I fucking love that that ribbon reminds me of 4h. The south would hate it.

I’m genuinely baffled by any automaker that continues to invest in internal combustion. As cool as inline sixes are, this thing should be running on electrons.

You can take that arrogance, shove it up a camels asshole, and slowly slurp it back out you worthless worm.

Same. I mean imagine telling your son that your car is made out of spaceship! Imagine intimidating coal rollers!

Yo where’d all this vitriol come from? 35 of any vehicle is hoarding. Is this an ironic post? You ok?

I gotta say I’m hoping that despite all evidence to the contrary that this will turn out well. I want a fast electric car (that's not $150,000) but Teslas are kinda frumpy.

Uhh. The current outback is more of an aircraft carrier.

Wait aren't all cars designed specifically for baby boomers?


Fuckin boomers.

“If I say internet person unsmart, then me big smart! Diesel wagon. Brown.”

You did it! You solved the problem by half-assing a comment in kinja!