El Cuñado

Well said. I've been there too and all I have to say is at least you were self-aware enough to figure it out. There are actually people out there who believe pointing out others' shortcomings will make them more liked in general, people who always "tell it like it is." Ironically, these same people are some of the

Dude, you can't poke the bear and then complain when it turns around and bites you on the ass.

An interesting read, though I have to admit I completely misjudged the direction you were going. I thought you were going to end with a concerted effort to do more hate reading since it's now scientifically proven to make you feel better about yourself.

Looking at that picture makes me understand why people hate her.

It's a good idea to read what the manufacturer of your phone/battery suggests.

That is seriously one of the cutest puppies I have ever seen.

You're right dude. You are nitpicking. I agree, the "careful withdrawal of consciousness from the virtual environment" plot device is done to death but in my opinion it's necessary. If you can jump in and out and will it breaks the plot for so many movies because much of the risk disappears. How boring would the

I want this puppy.

Number 11: it you are lying in bed having trouble falling asleep never look at the clock.

"...but as with all things I don't want to have to opt out. I don't want to have to make that extra click."

How have I never thought of this.

I can think of two instances when I was approached at the grocery store. Both ended up being attempted Amway recruitments.

Definitely liking the first, third and fifth pictures. Especially like how fireball Mario's clothes are the right colors.

Guess Mr. Doonan doesn't watch Modern Family a whole lot.

Like the Olson twins, she will always look like she's ten years old.

You basically softballed that one.

Whoever green lit this should lose their job.

I have some buddies who were all about anal but I never saw the appeal myself.

Many years ago when I turned 16, my parents started making me drive my younger brothers to church so they could go to an earlier service. We started skipping church and going to Best Buy to play Super Nintendo. Back then, to call Best Buy's customer service shitty was basically being generous.