El Cuñado

With respect, this wouldn't be as much of an issue if so many people in this country weren't more preoccupied with finding a quick fix then actually putting in the necessary work and effort to fix their problems (not to discount the people that do actually need these medications). I'm not trying to suggest the motives

There's a switch!

I can't speak to whether exercise helps depression but I can say that if I don't exercise for more than week I literally start to feel like a different (read: shittier) person. I just start to feel soft and sluggish, and confidence definitely plummets.

Once I moved up in the world and got a queen-sized bed all issues sleeping next to a partner basically vanished.

Now playing

This is the conversation I imaged going on in lamb-talk while they were butting heads.

Now playing

It could have been worse. They could have gotten a picture that time he went to the arcade.

This show sucked, to be sure, but I fail to see how you can deride it as a response to girls being on top of the media for "too long" when in the same breath you basically say it's the same as "every piece of media ever made since the invention of time." There seems to be a little inconsistency there...

Great video.

Since as a rule I generally do not use emoticons (though all punctuation is fair game) I have a fairly simple rule for texting. Right before you send it, ask yourself: does the person receiving this need to 1) see my facial expression or 2) hear my tone of voice to actually understand what I'm saying? If the answer

Other than the reciprocity it creates it doesn't bother me too much. I wonder though how many people actually pay attention to who is saying happy birthday. Is there really anybody insecure enough to go cross reference all the birthday wishes on their wall with their friends list to ensure everyone is accounted for?

This is fucking brilliant.

Interesting. Personal experience suggests this is true. Every year I'm amazed at how many people post 'Happy Birthday' on my wall...some (read: most) of these are people I literally have not spoken with (via facebook or otherwise) in years. Now that I think about it, I probably need to be better about saying happy

I always wondered that myself. This is kind of a tangent but I always found it disappointing the bidet never gained more traction in the States.

You're right, I forgot. So many people are out of work in this country right now because we are destroying the environment.

It depends what constitutes better. If you define it only in terms of environmental damage then yeah, buggies and bikes are better than cars. If you define it terms of value to the economy, say due to the ease with which goods and people can travel long distances, then I'd say cars are a vast improvement.

Earth definitely turtles too much.

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China. In the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper all you have is three sea shells.

So what you're telling me is people aren't all the same? Bravo, University of Buffalo. Bravo.

When I read this headline I just assumed the video would feature at least a couple dozen chinese and/or thai children.

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And this penguin is a genius. An adorable genius.