El Cuñado


I find it convenient how all examples of people that did use their WIC checks on the exact right products or food stamps on foods she considers acceptable are left out of her post. Also, there are many people out there who opt to use a smart phone as their only computer because they cannot afford to drop the money on

Do me a favor. Write a negative blog post about Hu Jintao or his administration and let me know how long it takes before you end up in jail.

Who is 'he' in this scenario?

There were more? I never made it past the first one.

I don't necessarily think it's fair to assume all guys who say this are being disingenuous. I think a lot of guys really believe they're not looking for anything serious until they meet a girl who sweeps off their feet (so to speak). This is a pretty common theme too; it's the premise for countless rom coms.

Invariabley any advice asked of me by lady friends is ultimately ignored. Yet they seem to be dealing with the same guy problems over and over again. Go figure.

#4 - Threaten to leave the person you want so it makes him/her want you more.


Can't wait for this. I loved all the movies but the Hobbit was the only book I could actually make it all the way through.


Not a religious person myself but I agree with you. We are definitely overexposed to him and his beliefs but I don't really have any ill will towards Tebow himself. It's not his fault the media sweats his nuts. If you're sick of Tebow blame the all the media outlets for covering him constantly.


Yeah this one definitely deserved to be on the list. I watched this the other day. I seriously had the worst taste in movies as a kid.

Does it really? That explains why it's one of the few things I can actually tolerate.

I think you're right.

The problem is the 4th amendment doesn't guarantee your right to fly. So if you want to fly you have to follow the rules.

Hopefully she sues and winds up getting a bunch of money.

That shape made me think olive flavor.

Funny thing is if he lost some weight he'd actually look a lot like him.