El Cuñado

Too bad the wombat never took off as a household pet.

Damn, she was hot before.

Get a bed bug infestation and then lets see if you feel the same way.

I didn't realize what JCP was selling until the second time I watched this. Then I watched it four more times.

Is this from our friends at Ark Music?

Well then good luck.

Like I said, it's not easy. Self-awareness isn't necessarily a bad thing either. It's a requisite for any serious change. That's why I suggested reading some books, that way you can use logic to override the self-aware part of your brain. In other words, even if you don't feel confident on the inside you at least

As counterintuitive as this sounds, you basically need to start "acting" confident. It's not easy, but do it long enough though and eventually it will begin to happen on its own. As far as learning how to act (e.g. speaking and body language), I'd recommend picking up some books that cover the two topics as well as

You're looking at it all wrong. Aside from the fact there's nothing wrong with having female friends you don't sleep with, even IF getting laid is your primary goal (and I'm not saying it should be) having lady friends will help you accomplish that more than just about all of the aforementioned manipulative methods.

You sound pretty bitter yourself there, dude.

"reluctant gatekeepers of the vagina."

Now playing

So what you're saying is, if I wear Van Huesen I'll be able to get hot women?

I just figured it was because if we had forever we'd never accomplish anything. Nothing gets done without deadlines.

This little girl's responses are insightful to say in the least, especially considering her age, but her mother is blowing this way out of proportion. I can understand not wanting your young daughter exposed to material that is so obviously aimed at teenages boys and some adult males, but there are adult and kid

Perfect Dark was unquestionably a superior game to any on the above list but by the time it came out we had all gone off to different colleges so it never got its day in the sun. Were the list to be for Top three games for N64 it would be (off the top of my head):

Psychological horror is what makes Silent Hill SILENT HILL. This just looks like a watered down Diablo.

Top three games for N64 (in terms of time spent playing multiplayer):

Damn why couldn't xbox have gotten this. Guess I'll just have to own them both.


I'm perturbed by the fact Catwoman is being played by Anne Hathaway. HOWEVER, I also doubted Chris Nolan's choice of Heath Ledger as the Joker so I will give him the benefit of the doubt here.