El Cuñado

Wow she is gorgeous.

As a guy I can tell you that I don't hate shopping. I just hate going to stores. Buying things online gives you the best of both worlds. Basically I buy everything online these days unless I need it immediately.

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We (men) are just trying to stave off our inevitible obsolescence.

You should have boned him when you had the chance.

The title should read: Unless Your Kid is in an Extreme Athlete Playing in a Heatwave or Just Hungover, Lay off the Gatorade.

The only people I sympathize with are TSA employees who have to deal with people bitching about being patted down when these same people threw TSA under the bus in the first place for not having good enough security. Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it too.

At this point I'm of the opinion Deanes is a troll.


That's interesting. The way I figure it, human beings beginning to wipe their asses probably coincided with them walking on two legs since it's our well developed glute muscles that allow us to do that.

In Soviet Russia [insert something backwards pertaining to the video]

The curve is a good point. I admit I never thought of it. It's a double edged sword though. There are people who would consider curves a form of cheating because they allow dishonest or lazy people to intentionally half-ass their way through the course, and get better grades than they deserve.

So a student who cheats on a test in high school is no better morally than Bernie Madoff? This is your argument?

I blame Hollywood. Seriously, how many times have you had sex that's that neat and clean with perfect bodies where both people come simultanesously?

Hyperbole is the wrong word. Hypocrisy is the one you want. In the same breath you claim not to judge me personally you judge my actions as wrong. In judging a person's actions you judge the person. Juries (to borrow your analogy) work on this same principle; they judge a person's guilt based on the actions he or

Everybody has their own moral compass. Some people cheat in school and that's where it ends. Others go on to become the CEO of Goldman Sachs or Enron. You're a fool if you assume that just because a person cheats on a test in high school Spanish they'll go on to cheat on a spouse or bilk their employess out of

And I'm guessing you work in a field in which subtlety isn't all that important. I suppose I should be flattered that my comment had enough of an impact that you approved it just so you could condemn it.

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Although cut from final airing of this episode, Tim revealed that growing up, his idol was hall of fame quarterback Joe Namath.

Cheating on an exam in high school is a far cry from cheating on a significant other or bilking someone out of money.

My senior year of college I still had one core requirement I hadn't fulfilled. In order to meet the requirement I took something like Art 101. I was a business major so basically my last semester I had all three and four hundred level business courses and this one 100 level art class. It became apparent early on in