El Cuñado

My senior year of college I still had one core requirement I hadn't fulfilled. In order to meet the requirement I took something like Art 101. I was a business major so basically my last semester I had all three and four hundred level business courses and this one 100 level art class. It became apparent early on in

Having sex spreads disease too but I'm not gonna stop doing that.

I never developed the habit of drunk texting or dialing. I suspect it's because I didn't get a cell phone until after my formative drinking years [read: college]. My younger brother does it all the time though. It happens so frequently that he's started deleting his ex's number before going out and adding it back

So funny to read this when I heard over the weekend my cousin's wife had to give birth to their new son in a bathtub because the contractions came so suddenly they couldn't make it in time.

I actually wish this happen a little more often. It gave me something to talk about with people I don't know.

Sued more likely.

One of the few women I've seen able to pull off red lipstick.

I agree dude. I'm convinced the two sides of this agrument come down to who has sat next to overly fat people on an airplane and who hasn't.

This woman seriously puts me on tilt. I hate to break it to her (since she's a free market capitalist and all) but the one thing you can count on all corporations to do is whatever maximizes profits. So to put it another way, if airlines were losing money as a result of fewer fat people flying they would have

That was actually pretty cool.

I'm going to look into this.

I am sorry but Emma Watson looks terrible with short hair.


These look pretty good. I'm a fan of dirt myself.

And those are double stuff too.

In asking for a study guide for a personality test she has already, in a way, failed.

Judging by how bad most shit on TV is this show must really have sucked to have been passed up by NBC.

The ones who brag tend to be the worst. I'm always grateful for the effort but I've basically reached the point of expect the worst hope for the best. To give you some perspective, I am 29. In my entire life there are three I'd grade a B or higher and only one of those was an A. Interestingly they were all Asian.

Thanks. Only problem is the bar has been set impossibly high now haha.