
Batshit sports cars barely being held together by sheer force of will


The middle one is actually an orange juicer.

Sounds like a perfect time to switch to Grid Dogs!

I’m particularly fond of the thumbs up. As in, “good job, moron.” Giving the sign of approval when even they know they screwed up messes with their heads so much more.

Driving will still be legal at the state and local level. First, physicians will prescribe driving for medicinal purposes, then driving will become available for recreational use.

That Minnie Mouse Odyssey is really Mickey Mouse.

Oh lord, not only does it have a Bangle Butt, it’s got a Bangle FUPA.

I feel like Porsche and Mazda are in the same boat. They love driving and are true driver’s companies, but know that in order to make 2 door drivers cars, they have to sell a ton of crossovers.

Dear Miura,

Surrey, British Columbia.

Gone In Sixty Two Seconds.

Hey! I’m Canadian!

Mmmmmm. “The last naturally aspirated [model]” seems like a running theme with “stuff people actually want.” Same goes with “without electric steering.”

The BMW E9x/E8x last generation of naturally aspirated smallish BMW’s and they have hydraulic steering.

Yeah I mentioned that in the article you didn’t read

Doesn’t everything?

I’m from Oklahoma so I feel like I should know this but what is a farmer’s turn?

To compensate, Musk decreed that the the steering “wheel” will be an obsidian triangle; speedometer will be replaced with a falcon screech loop and battery level indicator with varying intensity peppermint smell emitter.