Can we get Aroldis Chapman to throw a ball with a running start and crow-hop? What's the sound barrier again?
Can we get Aroldis Chapman to throw a ball with a running start and crow-hop? What's the sound barrier again?
shup and sit down, it was all done by God.
To be nitpicky, I suspect he’s suing an underwriting syndicate at Lloyds, rather Lloyds itself. Lloyds doesn’t insure anyone, it just herds the sharks.
Third eye open, well done.
It is certainly more coherent than anything else he had to say and Jesus doesn't even exist!
Holy shit! Is that really PFTCommenter in the background of that top pic?
Amazing how many idiots can take time off from their jobs to do stupid shit like this, then worry that illegal immigrants are going to steal those same jobs that they’re not doing.
Word has it that Lou Holtz’s speech has long plagiarized Peter Gammons’ tweets.
I like his “redneck Packers” attire in the picture above. He probably made a staffer run out to Bass Pro Shop or some shit the morning of the game to get him something that the "people would wear" so he could be more "relatable" while he ate a sausage and drank a Bud with some wealthy donors.
Or Department of Transportation.
This is an old photo. A Von Miller statue has that ball now.
Put him as Secretary of Health and Human Services, just for laffs
She plagiarized Michelle Obama and rickrolled the RNC. I’m convinced that her speech writer is a 100% Grade A Troll. And I love them.
So Christie knows he’s not getting the VP nod, is there a chance he’ll scorch the earth at his speech tonight? Or is he holding out for a lesser position in the Trump (shudder) cabinet?
I mean this sincerely, no snark: Bless your poor little hearts.
Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?
Things I will always remember about Peanut: