
Deadspin’s editorial positions here are that a guy going to prison for four years over this is ridiculous and that the Cardinals should be banned from baseball forever and tossed into space.

Does this also count as a Cardinals loss?

If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?

100 losses = Gif party

Why on earth would Goodell want to stop Ballers? It’s about as vanilla as they come. It’s a show about strip clubs and bikini babes. Oh yeah and football players.

If we look weird it’s because it was 5,000 degrees in that damn venue

Pretty good show. But not enough bears. And the tendency to show the crowd during the best parts of videos was... unpleasant.


But bruh, this is what we’re used to:

This ruling really lets the air out of his case! Haha. My wife left me.

Hmm, can't argue with that.

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.

Update: He’s next on duty on Monday.

The goalscorer is talking on British radio right now. Here’s a quote:

Wes Welker then went home and gave a similar interview to his desk lamp.

I don’t want to indulge in stereotypes, but ...

Don’t worry, Pokemon Go will not eat through your data allowance, because it only works for like 25 min before draining your battery.

“Jay Cutler finally quit smoking!” is clearly the lede buried in all that delicious trash.

Bear Friday = quittin’ time. Thanks, crafty garbage bear. I no longer have to justify my slacking to myself.

First off let me start off by saying “ All Praise Due To The Most High.”