You can also take advantage of knowledge of the coming 2008 financial crisis to parlay that $3 million into a lot more. GIVE ME ALL THE FUTURES PLEASE
It’s a simple question. If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself?
Odds that if something like this were to happen, it would of necessity involve the Sixers: 100,000,000,000%.
Of all the things in the video, I think what cracks me up the most is the dude on the right who’s not quite in the wall and bites hard on all three of the fakes and even sticks a leg out at the end.
I still can’t believe a human being has the real name “Lockhart Steele.”
Can we please talk about how the Grizzlies are now the most dangerous team in the NBA
I tried to write something witty, but someone wrote something witty faster than me that was really similar to my comment. Now, all I have is this crappy edit which is probably still an improvement over what I usually write.
Didn’t put enough bite into that attempt.
This is of course entertaining the notion that Ronaldo would pass a penalty to begin with...
I’m SO GLAD the highlight truthers are coming to football.
Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?
As for the hike, we’re told his goal is to be able to run again. He’s not there, but he’s determined and believes he still has a shot at playing basketball again.
Serious question: why does it matter that they were cops? They were off duty. I don’t get why it’s being trumpeted as such a relative fact. I mean, I get why it’s being made to be such a big deal by the police themselves, but I think it’s pretty bullshitty. It’s not like McCoy and his crew were beating up cops next to…
So stop buying them and give Price back to the Jays.
I’m confused by how young professional athletes are now
I doubt Adam Silver has that authority.
The most graphic part was her little tongue thing at :31. That ALWAYS means they’ll let you fuck them.