I mean, he threw it at least 16 feet high. That’s positive.
I mean, he threw it at least 16 feet high. That’s positive.
Who’s the asshole that microwaves fish in the office? There’s always one
“God damn that was impressive”
Spork no question; it was devastating news when Taco Bell took that from me.
“I can’t read so this doesn’t effect me or anything that matters to me”
Homegirls laugh sounds EXACTLY like a chicken clucking
Pierzysnki is a dick bag thats a fact. But, what was he really supposed to do in that situation other than run over Barrett (not illegal back then obvi) who should not have been blocking the plate without the ball? Pierzysnki slapping the plate like the fuckboi he is prolly didn’t help tho.
Big hands or tiny water bottles?
*Surprised Emoji Face*
I once saved up to take my girlfriend out to a super sick Valentine’s day dinner; the bill was $300.
Cello, next question?
Did....did it work?
Can I please have a thinking face emoji/Bob Ley side by side comparison? Cannot stop laughing looking at that picture rn.
Still need an explanation on the twitter handle. Is it So IOU City? Thought it was Solo U City until I realized the Lwas an I. I NEED ANSWERS
Dog’s high as shit
Christ, people love hate-reading this website. I love their tears.
Ya man so true; just hit 24, i thought this is what 50 was gonna feel like.
Holy fuck that tweet is LOL funny
But, has he written anything on these pages?