
How does this compare to the other commissioners?

Whatever man, this happened to my team once...in 2nd grade.

“I went on a business trip WITHOUT a charging cord. Just two days trying to conserve the battery. SO MUCH DANGER. Every time the battery lost a percentage point, I felt like I was disappearing into space. But I made it back home just as the battery was dying.”

So, he rode off on a white horse...

I mean, it’s at least entertaining at this point that all the GOP candidates just make up their own story without realizing that fucking Google exists.

Does Gregggggggggggggg always put periods between NFL? Because that’s unreal annoying.

I like you.

When I was a kid, up until about 14, and watching TV at around 2:30 AM I would get a creepy, cold feeling like someone was there. Instinctively I would turn around and see a women in a night gown float (?) across my kitchen into the other room. She would always go the same direction, never looked at me, and was only

Love the guy who didn’t realize he was hurt and goes “GET YOUR ASS UP SO WE CAN CELEBRATE”

Fuck ya; keep getting better Lamar!

Ya, I’m gonna go nap now.

*three, I should work for CNN

Eh, got the first two letters right, don’t see an issue.

I’m ashamed that when I heard WORLDSTAR I was proud for America.

I was reading and was like damn, Billy wrote the fuck outta this, good job...and then I scrolled to the top, and was like oh, that makes a lot more sense.

As a Cubs fan, Deadspin’s slow troll of the Cardinals is making this that much better.

I swear this is literally so Florida of California crowds to do

You get them all

Seriously, what was he on? Asking for a friend.

So, that was insanely awesome; can every hockey game just be 3-v-3?