my god, do your parents know you’re on the internet?
my god, do your parents know you’re on the internet?
That’s not how that works.
No, it doesn’t matter. Residency and citizenship are two different things. Though I’ll share the whole “If you live in America, you’re American” concept with the Trump administration and ICE.
Would you call someone born and raised in Kenya, African-American? Probs not my man.
Yao is Chinese. He’s not Asian-American.
“In lieu of a commemorative statue, the San Antonio Spurs are happy to announce that Tim will simply stand outside the arena at all times, stoically contemplating the horizon.”
You don’t have to get money from the Vanderbilts—who, yes, more or less threw their fortune away—for it to be interesting that you’re a Vanderbilt.
I didn’t know this about AC.... I had no clue. (ETA: Anderson Cooper not the other Andy)
This is absolutely so true. I disagreed with every Republican on almost every issue, but I felt like they at least were fully formed adult males, who understood the gravity of the position and treated it with respect. I’m the sort of person who tears up when the National Anthem is played. To be honest, with Trump in…
God damn, so many times recently I’ve wished (if Hillary couldn’t) that Pop had won the election. He has no public service experience! He tells it like it is! He’s a dick to the media! Except he is and does all those things while being 150,000 times more intelligent, insightful, kind, and lovable than Trump could be…
I’m kind of impressed with the number of NBA coaches who have openly opposed Trump. Methinks you wouldn’t see much of that in the NFL.
Truth. Now that I really look back on it I’m embarrassed by how much I hated Mitt. I used to despise him but I can’t really remember why. I still disagree with him on the issues, but I was never personally offended by him like I am by Trump. I hate the whole, “I like candidate X cause I could get a beer with him”…
Given how uneducated the electorate is, it’s not a stretch to deduce that they have no idea how probability works.
IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way…
I keep reading about 538 (and others) being wrong, but as far as I know all they said was that Hillary had a 70% or so chance of winning. That’s not the same as saying she was going to win, so how exactly were they wrong?
Yeah, he’s a weird scapegoat in this saga. Flash back a week and a half ago and there were people all over the internet (including on this family of websites) writing pieces about how he was being way too bullish about Trump’s chances. Now, we’re blaming him for not being bullish enough...
Silver constantly warned that this election was different given the volatility in the polls and the large amount of undecided voters. He also warned that there was a significant possibility that Trump would win the Electoral College, but would lose the popular vote. Nate Cohn at the Upshot, however, was completely…
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the polls were correct but they caused enough complacency that people just didn’t turn out. Both sides got less votes than the last election, the difference was that Trump only lost ~500k while Hillary was down ~5m.
Nate Silver’s model was the only one which gave Trump a good chance of winning. Take it up with the Huffington Post and Sam Wang; they gave Clinton close to a 99% chance of winning....
You’re going to believe these guys when they say an pseudonymous person received death threats? How did she receive them? Did her various lawyers get them at their offices and then they decided to forward them to her?