
With a frying pan, preferably. This way I get an entertaining SPANG sound as I lose consciousness.

Isn’t it awesome? It means that the Xenomorph Queen and Ripley are both puppets when they have their big fight—and they’re both fighting because they’re protecting their children. So they’re made into mirrored opposites.

Did you know that there actually is a guy inside the thing, and Sigourney Weaver is essentially sitting on his lap? The whole rig weighed around 600 pounds and had to be suspended with wires, or a counterbalance rig behind it.

No, those legs are real, there is just a second guy in the suit wearing the other guy as a hat.

When I first came to the US, I had a pretty thick Indian accent. It was my Freshman year in high school. I’m sure the kids would’ve made fun of my accent either way, but the most common thing was for them to either say “thank you come again” to me or to ask me to do it. It certainly didn’t help that I spoke English

I love the Simpsons but I still have to say that the racism surrounding Apu was always there, it’s just that nowadays we’re finally calling this type of stuff out more. You don’t get a free pass just because it’s from a time that people cared less.

Hey, speaking as someone who has been watching The Simpsons since the very beginning and who considers it an inextricable part of his personality, you should check out The Problem With Apu. It’s a well-made documentary and may make you think twice about the character, even if you love him. It’s okay to love things

They don’t want small government.

The irony is they are the biggest threats to themselves by far yet still think black and brown folks are on the cusp of killing them all. If we were gonna do that it wouldve gone down already

Bullshit - Educate , don’t denigrate. Otherwise you are a troll full of fucking shit. Do you want people to transform and understand and grow or is this some pretentious jezebel cunt club where you all virtual high five each other for being condescending shit stains to people trying to learn?

If you spit on my child (I don’t have a child) or member of my family and throw as hateful a term as the n-word (I’m not black) at them, fists WILL be thrown. And I’m not a fighter, but crazy and righteous fury and vengeance go a long way in a fight.

Is this where we post the terrible prank calls we made in our youth, like when i was in college and we found out there was an actual Charlie Brown in the phonebook. We would call him at 2am and just make the muted horn sound until he yelled at us and hung up. What a shitty thing to do.


I’ve only ever seen clips of his show, but I had assumed it was shot in his mother’s basement using a camcorder on a tripod. I have a hard time believing that there’s anything “professional” about this production.

North Carolina lost the NBA All Star Game and other future businesses over a damn bathroom so this lines right up with the rest of the region.


I think the logic behind lifetime appointments is to free the seat from political machinations as best as possible.

I knew I didn’t dust off this paper gown for nothing.

We definitely need to abolish lifetime appointments for judges and require reconfirmation at least once every ten years, if not more often.