
I love reading those articles about what to do if you suffer from allergies. Particularly when they say shit like, avoid going places that will set off your allergies. Oh, you mean EVERYWHERE. Thanks, that's helpful.

I just felt physical pain reading that...

mmmmm the burning sting and smell of my pubes melting half off....

Me personally? NO.

Ouch. I did something similar as a (seriously stupid) teenager, but it involved the "face cream" and a desperate attempt to avoid plucking my brows. I have a deeply-ingrained flight response to any bottle of Nair I come across.

I saw the first movie when it came out and was bored to tears. Many years later my ex forced me to watch 2-5 while I was defenseless and sick on his couch. By the third movie I was completely captivated. I ended up introducing my son to the movies and then going with him to see the last 3 in the theater. When we

I'm with you. I finally caved this year and watched the 1st movie, because Harry Potter is part of the zeitgeist. I just didn't get it. I was bored, so I had trouble paying attention, and thus couldn't even understand half of it.

I didn't start *liking* it until a good way through the second book and didn't start loving the series until the third one.

Read what you want. :)

That's my experience to a T. I get a lot of folks telling me how I should read the books because they're great, etc. I have no doubt they're wonderful and I love that it got a lot of people reading who otherwise wouldn't read, especially young folks. Even as an avid reader and an huge sci-fi/fantasy consumer, it's

The movies get good starting with the third one. Whenever I do a rewatch of the series, I always leave out the first two. They switched directors after the first two movies and had Alfonso Cuarón direct the third one and it drastically improved the quality.

I read all the books as they were coming out (well I think I read the first three all at once and then had to wait on the others to be released) as an adult (yes I'm old). However I've only really watched the first movie (and seen some bits of the others) because it was so horrifically dull. I would not say the

As a fantasy fan, you should know better than to make a judgement on a book series after only seeing the movie version. It's such a cliche at this point but the movies don't even come close to touching the books.

Non-potter readers unite! Your recap sounds right to me!

I am one of those people. This is the story as far as I am concerned: there is a wizard boy with glasses, and a girl with bad hair, and a redheaded boy. And then they do magic things. The end.

Hey you know what really helps causes you're passionate about?

My scifi inclination is telling me that those anti-vaccer's have allowed the polio virus to incubate and mutate in humans, such that the efficacy of the old vaccine is diminished.

In other words, amazing.

this comment needs more stars

that is why i bleach everything and rise everything in Ever-Clear.