
It's not the bacteria as much as the fecal part that I'm having a gut reaction to.

I dunno man. I have a high waist too but that's exactly why I hate high-waisted pants. I end up looking more Steve Urkel than Katherine Hepburn. I don't want my boobs sitting right on top of where my pants end. Maybe it doesn't help that I'm also very tall and big hipped.

Maybe stop worrying about how people choose become parents and start worrying about how smug you sound talking about something with which you seem to have zero actual experience.

Since it's already started, I'll put my inevitable grey comment here. It's not for infertile people, or people who struggle to conceive, to save the world & adopt all the babies. Fertile people are just as capable of adopting as those who struggle to conceive. It's not up to anyone but the parents to decide how they

K, I'm not going to make a huge deal of this because triggering my urge to pick at skin imperfections is not as bad as , say, triggering someone's eating disorder or issues with past abuse, but... 1. I HATE these posts and 2. Could you at least put the screen grab after the jump if you MUST write these posts?

Just going to put this out there:

I kind of assumed they were all crushed seed shells or just beads of a harder but still dissolvable kind of soap because tiny plastic beads that get washed down the drain seems like just an unthinkable terrible idea. I need to stop underestimating corporate ability to give negative fucks about the environment.

i guess you could say she 'dug' him right away?

This is what I do! And then I get bitched at the next day about how he can't get a good night's sleep with me jabbing him all night... Seriously?!?! HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M SLEEPING LISTENING TO THAT DAMN NIGHT!!!

Superman isn't boring. The problem is they almost always focus on the super boring stuff about him - so perfect, so strong, can't really be defeated except with a rock, etc. What I find interesting about Superman is that you have a being that is pretty much a god walking around among normal people. He sees how

It's like the job market, ok? There's only so much sexy out there. If you olds don't retire from being sexy, then there won't be any sexy for the youth, and we can't have a bunch of unsexy 20 year olds mooching sexy off the government! The US doesn't subsidize sexy handouts! You've got to move to France for that. Or

shit, its been almost 3 years since my 30th birthday, didn't realize I was already a bag of garbage....guess I'll pull on those sweats now.

Yep. When I moved back to the Gulf Coast from the winter hell of MI I thought I was done with snow days. My entire town shut down for three days last week. What the fuck?

Letter from the factory:

Not only does your sexy not need powered down, but I'd argue you can ramp it up. Really, when I think about what is preventing women 30 and up from being sexy, its opinion. And the opinion belongs to A) MRAs, who are shitty, B) women over thirty who for some reason are placing value on MRA thoughts, C) fashion

Logan's Run: Ladyparts Edition.

Yeah, I turned thirty on Sunday. I guess I need to go see someone about the official desertification of my nether regions.

Yep, it's just like canceling cable. Turn in your box. (PUN!)

I feel cheated that no one told me that dirty secret, either.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.