To work towards a post-Trump America, we need to study and understand the right and then expose and fight them. Just pretending they don’t exist won’t work.
To work towards a post-Trump America, we need to study and understand the right and then expose and fight them. Just pretending they don’t exist won’t work.
I agree (on both counts). Honestly she’s not putting out a ton of effort anymore. She’s late all the time and doesn’t prepare for performances as much as she should (skipping the NYE soundcheck, etc). Her accomplishments are undeniable but I really think the reason she’s gotten a bad rap lately isn’t that her voice…
IIRC one of the guys who invented them was Catholic, and thought if they added the fourth-week placebos Catholics would be more likely to accept the pills because they didn’t interfere with a woman’s “natural” menstruation. They were also referred to as “period regulation pills” in some quarters rather than…
Same. This shit is just embarrassing.
Yeah, the fact that people keep insisting she’s such a talented writer is perplexing. She writes like any mediocre blogger.
she was of the opinion that posters of uteri and “pussy hats” were excluding and not “understanding of transwomen” which she seemed to feel was intentional.
Trump supporters still insist that Obama destroyed the economy and made the U.S. a laughingstock because everyone in the world hates him and thinks he’s “weak.” They’re completely detached from reality.
Her behavior about the reality show is so weird, like her recent interview with Ryan Seacreast. “We don’t call it a reality show, it’s not a reality show, I didn’t name it Mariah’s World, that wasn’t my decision.” Like...if you want to totally disavow being involved with it and have some sense that being on a “reality…
Tommy Mottola’s a controlling creep, but he knows his image management. The thing is that Mariah didn’t like her safer, more mass-appeal image, and she’s to that point now where if a manager or any other underling tells her something she doesn’t want to hear, she’ll cut them out. She doesn’t want to hear “don’t do a…
Yeah, like if you want to run around half-naked then do you, but she looks so hobbled and uncomfortable all the time. She can’t walk in the heels she insists on wearing. She wears bathing-suit-style outfits but packs herself into shiny Spanx to do so. The cleavage always has to be out but she’s also always got some…
In the new show, Carey can been seen getting close with Bryan — who was rumored to be partly responsible for her recent split, as members of her team voice their concerns about his “huge crush” on her.
Her taste in men is pretty tragic.
Eh, Mariah’s been talking for the last 20 years about how she’s not into casual sex, has had sex with fewer than five people, didn’t sleep with either of her husbands until they were married, etc. More power to her if she does just want to bang this guy but she really seems more into the hand-holding and flowers and…
LOL “private investigator.” Brian Bates is a local pervert who goes around videotaping prostitutes and johns in hopes of getting his name + some slut-shaming on the news.
It’s right there in the post that he was outside a HIGH SCHOOL, so I’m not sure why you’re doing this “but wait! He’s not a child molester!” bit. The kids at the school in question would have been in the same age group as the girls he raped. You don’t have to be a “pedophile” molesting kindergartners to be a sexual…
It chokes me up a little too. I’m a generation behind you but so many dads when I was growing up just didn’t seem to give a fuck about their kids. My own father bitched and complained if he had to miss going to the gym to watch us while my mom worked late, acted put upon when dragged to school plays, etc. Now that my…
It’s all well and good to let the company he reps for know that he’s a pervert, but did anyone also notify THE POLICE when this guy was propositioning minors for sex?
LMAO, Donald’s such a great father that his supporters don’t even know his less-hot daughter exists.
The thing is, a lot of guys get offended when it’s suggested that we teach boys about consent, because supposedly that “implies all men are rapists” who have to be “told not to rape,” but there ARE a lot of troubling, unspoken ideas out there about when it’s “okay” to force yourself on a woman. (They did a study…