
Porcelain white people don’t naturally tan to the shade of Nicki Minaj.

Stood next to Matthew McConaughey at a ball game. He smelled.

I guess maybe he figures that as a relationship progresses, a girlfriend or spouse will at some point see his driver’s license or other documents that make clear his true age? And his goal is to be able to keep up this lie forever, so he wants to change all his paperwork so no one will ever know?

Although that helps

I tried OkCupid a couple years ago. The number of men who thought they could lie and take twenty years off their age was hilarious. No Mr. 50-Year-Old, you do not pass for thirty, and saying “I’m 40 but everyone says I look 30" is not going to fool anyone into thinking you are 30 or 40.

I hope Ariana Grande got a mention.

Yes! And I have read conjecture that, since she was disabled after an accident as a teen and mostly housebound thereafter, it’s possible that she really never had had sex. It puts the weird sexuality in those books in a different but kinda-not-surprising light.

This would be disgusting under any circumstance, but it’s especially repulsive that he did it to a cancer survivor who was actively fearful for her health.

It’s hilarious that they’re acting like men weaponizing the internet to name and shame women into silence is some new possibility created as a reaction to Donegan’s list, and not something that’s been commonplace for years.

“I don’t know how to act now that people are less tolerant of my inappropriate behavior!”

Yeah, I used to know a girl whose (white) dad was a Vietnam vet, and considered his best friend to be a black guy he’d known since they served together. He still told his daughter that she’d be disowned if she ever brought a black man home. These people are just modern “separate but equal” racists. They’ll be polite

The things that my friends and I used to talk about, like the nature of gender, the pros and cons of medical gate keeping... our ambivalence about these things, aren’t topics you can have in public anymore.

Wasn’t it right after these comments that she jumped on Twitter to be all “Kanye’s a genius who speaks his truth, I ride or die for my man!”?

She claims she had no idea Valerie Jarrett is black and that she was just referencing Planet of the Apes because “it’s about anti-Semitism.”

He tells me that he finds out performers’ legal names and he then researches what high school they went to, finds their yearbook on eBay, and brings it to them to sign.

she hasn’t done anything for trans women who are victims of sexual assault.

Ironically, Bridge to Terabithia is one of the most-challenged school library books for its inclusion of swearing and supposed promotion of atheism and occult beliefs (...imagination, I guess?).

Oh he’s the worst. In another interview, he talks about acting like a total controlling psycho because his 14-year-old daughter had a boyfriend.

This dude is unhinged. Does he just assume anyone vaguely brunette is a “foreigner”? Is he so obsessed with hating immigrants that “foreigner” is just the worst insult he can think of and therefore his go-to?

Yeeeeep. In my hometown it’s “drive to the Home Depot to hire a Mexican,” but otherwise same thing and same “it’s TRUE!” excuses.

Like...even assuming it’s true and she had a psychological disorder that some doctor said could be cured by spanking (obvious bullshit, but just for a minute), why would it be up to her EMPLOYER to go to her home and administer this “treatment”? I know it was different times and all, but was your boss allowed to show