
When I see people arguing like this in public it automatically lowers my opinion of them.

Does nobody argue like a grown-up any longer? I was taught that you settled disagreements between the aggrieved parties in private, not air it out like musty balls for everyone’s consumption. Twitter feuds just come off as the height in intellectual and emotional dysfunction. It’s like duking it out in a pile of

There’s no difference between flying in a plastic bag or wearing a wig every day or eating spaghetti for every meal or protesting gay marriage if you’re doing them for the same silly reason of appeasing your god.

I’m not even allergic, but fuck dogs on planes. It’s bad enough already.

Has any hip hop song in the last 15 years not stolen something?

In cargo. Or have flights designated as pet free, which at least helps somewhat.

This is why pets should be banned from airplanes. Service animals aside, your pooch doesn't trump my right to breathe.

If our constitutional rights were given us by god then it is only logical to extend those rights to everyone. America should lead.

Either put these people on trial or turn them over to the custody of their own countries. The USA should not be doing shit this way.

Trump’s claimed that he hasn’t really spent much money on the campaign yet. I had the thought today that he’ll really shoot his wad in november and spend literally billions on advertising right before the election. How much WOULD he pay to win? All of it.

Self-Proclaimed Democrats / Progressives, get your shit together now. Like, NOW.

Eh, he’ll be easy for either Hillary or Bernie. The most inexplicable thing about the Republican primary is that none of the other candidates have been attacking him, while savaging each other. That’s not going to continue once he has to face a Democrat. The only one who can fuck it up now is Bloomberg.

To be fair, an shock from 110 voltage won’t kill you. It will teach a lesson though. That lesson is, ‘turn off breakers before working on ceiling fans”.

Great advice for a guy expecting his first child, a daughter due in June.

He said he was going to do it 7 years ago and it was the first thing he announced on his first day in office.

based on teen girls who I’m not sure actually exist

I sound like I know what the fuck I want and have no reason to put up with what I don’t like.

One of the most liberating things I learned as a young chap in the world of dating was to discover I could break it off, both verbally and emotionally, with girls at the drop of a hat as soon as I saw something I wasn’t ok with.

A beast like that oughta be out in the street, intimidatin’.